View Full Version : Not sure if I belong here?

28-01-11, 06:04

I'm really not sure if I have 'health anxiety'. Sometimes I can be completely fine...usually this time is when I'm at uni and around my 9 flatmates. But when I'm alone I seem to sink back into thinking about my health to an obsessive level and over the Christmas period I had several panic attacks just from over-analysing how I felt.

Is it possible to have health anxiety which only becomes apparent when one is alone? I can't help but think that when I'm on my own something might happen and nobody would know...

*worried about mental health*

28-01-11, 06:10
If you think you have a problem then you have as much a right to be here as anyone else ;) I have health anxiety on a sort of back burner all the time, but it does tend to get much much worse when I'm on my own. Hence why I'm awake at this time...:)

Make sure you stay away from google, if you need to ask something call nhs direct or your gp, because you will panic yourself more! google is very good at feeding your irrational fears.

Perhaps also just have a chat with your gp and see if it helps just having someone to talk to, my gp has become something of a lifeline for me when i've convinced myself i'm going to die!


28-01-11, 06:36
Hi Faye_

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-01-11, 09:19
hi Faye!!

i am exactly like you, my anxiety is far worse when im on my own, although im very rarely on my own as im a single parent to my 20mth old son, but this is why being on my own worries me, im soooo scared that something will happen to me when im alone with him, im not so scared for myself but what will happen to my son if he's on his own wether it happens at home or in town or wherever really, he's too young to fend for himself - i went through a stage of four months where i couldn't sleep in my own home, i stayed at my mum's where there is always someone there, i dont advise going this far as it took me a very long time to get to the point where i could be at home, i am back home now thankfully.

Please dont worry about being on your own, think of it as 'me' time, i know its an awful feeling that summat bad is going to happen or worrying irrationally about health issues, i find keeping a diary of thoughts and emotions helps, that way when your having a bad day you can look through it and see that you have 'felt like this before' and your still ok.

bezzaboo x

Vanilla Sky
28-01-11, 09:51
Welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

paula lynne
28-01-11, 10:23
Hi Faye, welcome aboard! You'll find lots of support and advice here, and make some great friends along the way. :welcome:

29-01-11, 01:12
Hello Faye,

I have health worrys which bubble up and down all the time. I can be fine for ages then i get a niggle, or a pain or strange feeling and I am on high alert again! I have found these forums so reasuring for years now but only joined today. I am sure you will find comfort here.

Ona x

29-01-11, 09:51
Welcomen I found this site two weeks ago and its been great. You will find lots of good advice and like minded people.

My anxiety comes and goes. I can be free of it for months even years then something usually stress triggers it and its def worse when Im not occupied or alone with nothing else to dwell on! Its not like I dont have enough to get on with i have a 2 year old and work part time as well as a home to run.

I think u will find it interesting and useful in the forums.

29-01-11, 09:54
And I agree with lorenza..give google a wide berth! Its so easy to find something on there to frighten yourself! Been there done that. Not worth making yourself worse for

29-01-11, 17:34
Hi Faye, welcome to NMP. You will find alot of support here

30-01-11, 15:25
Hello Faye,

Welcome to NMP!!! I found this site almost a year ago now and it really turned my life around...so much friendly caring advice and support!!

Hope you enjoy your stay here and get lots of out of it.
