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View Full Version : Agoraphobia Is Such A Killjoy

28-01-11, 14:35
Sometimes my agoraphobia is such a party pooper. This morning, my nerves are pretty calm and in general I feel pretty good. It's a sunny day and one part of me wants to get out for awhile this morning, but somewhere deep inside there is a part of me that is shrinking back in horror, literally screaming at the idea of leaving my safe and comfy abode, even for a minute.

You know what? Screw it! I'm going out to get a newspaper and maybe even a coffee before I start in with my day's work - agoraphobia be damned!

31-01-11, 20:43
aw I know that feeling of wanting to go out but the fear can hold you back.
It's such a habit to get nervous at the thought of going where.
I hope you enjoy your coffee x

31-01-11, 20:49
Thanks Mishel. It did turn out okay. I went for the paper, got myself a cup of black decaf and even stopped on the way home to get something nice for lunch. Once home, I went into the courtyard here at my apartment building, found a comfy spot, and read my paper as I sipped my coffee. The compulsion to run into the house never really left me, but it did fade a bit over time. And that little success made it much easier to concentrate on my work and get done by early afternoon, so all in all it turned out to be a very good day.

31-01-11, 21:31
ow wow thats sooooo good yay.
It's nice because it does build your confidence when things go well.
you fought off the wanting to go home, It's an awful feeling or urge just to get back inside!
little things like will really help, glad you stayed outside and didn't go back inside and its good you noticed that the urge faded too.
It feels good though to go for walk and get out even if it's hard.
aw thats good too that it helped with your work.
that courtyard sounds like a nice peaceful spot :-)