View Full Version : Seeing consultant tomorrow

28-01-11, 17:42
Dear All,

I'm not expecting any answers but posting as I'm worried sick.

I have small haemorrhoids but they are no bother and never bleed or anything. Anyway, I went to the toilet yesterday (bowels) ans on the paper was a significant amount of fresh blood. I rang the GP surgery and they fitted me in straight away. I had a rectal examination and the GP said she can feel a lump. She said she needs to refer me as an emergency to the local colorectal surgeon. Obviously I am worried sick that I have cancer, so my mum is paying for me to be seen tomorrow morning at a private hospital.

I've just picked up the letter I need to hand over tomorrow and opened it.....it explains that she isn't sure if the lump is in the rectum or the cervix.

So................I have my appt tomorrow and will have camera up bottom. More anxious as my best friends mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer in June and died in October.

It's just nice to be able to get that off my chest.:weep:

Hazel B
28-01-11, 17:45

I'm sure it will be OK, try not to worry too much (easy to say, I know). Fresh looking blood usually indicates a fissure or piles, not nice, but not as worrying as dark blackish blood which can indicate problems higher up your digestive system.

Hope it turns out OK.

28-01-11, 17:56
Thanks Hazel,

I'm a nurse as well (that makes the worrying worse not better !!). What you have said is right, but I done the worst thing possible and looked it up on the internet and it said that tumours lower down eg: in the rectum quite often present as fresh blood..........I'm also worrying as GP said she wasn't sure whether it was in the vagina/ cervix, so it could be that as well, although I haven't had any "breakthrough bleeding or pain" that u normally get with probs in that area.

I am trying to keep myself busy, and it would probably help if I got off the computer !! Thanks again for your reply,

Hazel B
28-01-11, 19:54
Stay away from "Dr Google" - it doesn't help and just adds to the worry in my experience. I had repeat scans on my liver last year and an MRI coming up soon and I looked at all the possible liver problems I could have - within 3 days I was anxious and had convinced myself I had cancer!!! Turns out I had gallstones (now gone with gallbaldder removal) and a "lesion" on my liver that is benign. My MRI is just to double-check the liver diagnosis.

The anxiety I had was awful, I felt so ill and was convinced my days were numbered, always looking online for more illness and diagnosis. It just confused and upset me more, instead I should have just trusted my GP and consultants and asked them more questions.

Please, please, try not to worry too much. Take care.

28-01-11, 20:24
It must be worrying for you, but because it is a lump, doesn't mean that it has to be a serious one. Lots of lumps are harmless. I know it is easy for me to say try not to worry because you are bound to, but maybe try as hard as you can to put all thoughts out of your head just for tonight, try having a relaxing soak in the bath, anything relaxing, so you can get some rest, and then think about it all tomorrow, when you will be able to ask the Consultant all the things you may want to ask him.
Hope everything goes well for you.
Wishing you all the best
Sending you hugs.