View Full Version : Really scared

anx mum
28-01-11, 20:09
Many of you know been suffering from chest pains for few weeks now mainly in centre of chest but sometimes moves under left breast. Had various tests ecgs, blood tests, chest xray and di dimer when docs examined me cant find anything:lac:today hes referred me to a specialist my anxiety is sky high not sure what specailist will do. Not sure if these r anxiety pains but really scrared.

28-01-11, 20:45
A specialist for what? Has your doctor mentioned acid reflux to you? It could maybe be that x

28-01-11, 20:46
Did your Dr say what type of specialist he was refering you to??? Sometimes they just send you to a general medical one if they are stumped and to cover their backs. Could your pains be muscular in origin - I remember after I had my baby many many years ago and he was about 3 months old I got terrible pains in one armpit and down side and it turned out that was side I carried my baby on- and it was all down to carrying a heavy baby around!

anx mum
28-01-11, 20:52
Did your Dr say what type of specialist he was refering you to??? Sometimes they just send you to a general medical one if they are stumped and to cover their backs. Could your pains be muscular in origin - I remember after I had my baby many many years ago and he was about 3 months old I got terrible pains in one armpit and down side and it turned out that was side I carried my baby on- and it was all down to carrying a heavy baby around!

a chest specialist i guess? its never ending sick of it. Think my doc dosent know what to do with me