View Full Version : Simple tests to rule out lots of major problems

28-01-11, 21:19
Hi everyone
As an HA sufferer, I wanted to remind you all there are two simple and easy tests you can have that check for a number of major problems.
They can tell an awful lot by looking in your eyes, rule out brain tumours, brain pressure etc, etc
Dentists routinely check for oral cancer - mouth, gums, tongue, throat etc
So all of us who worry should regularly have these to rule out some of the things we worry about!!

28-01-11, 21:25
I went the denist 2 weeks ago , so are you saying they take a look and would inform you if something was a miss ?
Do you have to ask them to look ?

28-01-11, 21:37
Dentists routinely check for oral cancers and would refer you if saw anything suspicious. A friend was referred but it turned out to be nothing. They are always rather safe than sorry. Yes, they would have said if they saw anything, you don't have to ask them to look. It's all part of a check-up now.

28-01-11, 21:46
Your a star for posting this :D I,ve had a mouth ulcer the last few days and my mind has been working overtime again , only went the dentist 2 weeks ago for a check up so thats put my over active mind at rest .

Thanks buddy :yesyes:

29-01-11, 04:28
an optician cannot rule out brain tumour 100%. only a CT or MRI can. opticians can tell u if your symptoms are related to your eyes but that does not rule out that it is caused by other things as well. if you black out, have nausea all the time, double vision, bad headaches, u need to see a doctor, so they can do proper tests to rule out anything serious. headaches and nausea alone are very unlikely to be a tumour.

and actually an ophthalmologist is the type of eye doctor that has more knowledge in determining eye conditions, not an optician. An optician is only trained in basic eye care. I saw 5 opticians in 6 months and only 1 of them noticed something in my eye which she had no idea what it was but was clever enough to refer me to an ophthalmologist who immediately saw that i have an eye condition that could be serious.