View Full Version : It's happening again-Someone dies when playing sports =(

28-01-11, 22:48
Hey guys.

So on my way home from school today my neighbors grandson told me that his grandfather had passed away. He had a heart attack but he was very old. The news was a bit upsetting but I was ok.

But now I'm watching the news with my parents when all of a sudden they show a 16 year-old boy died after playing a game of basketball.

Apparetly it was after the game and the boy kept on saying that he couldn't breathe and he just collapsed and died. One thing I saw was the he had asthma but the doctors cleared him and he stopped his medication for 2 years.

Do you think he had an asthma attack or a heart issues? After that they shifted to another young person who dies when lifting weights. They said he had a Heart attack. :ohmy:

I sware the media is always freaking me out and it's news like this that makes me so scared to get up and move. I had rescently got back into exercise and I've been feeling great and this news is definitely putting me off cuz this kid was supposedly cleared by docs.

I'm so scared. :weep::weep::weep::weep:

28-01-11, 23:09
I don't watch the news as they sensationalise everything

There is always something they don't tell us

28-01-11, 23:12
The trouble is with Asthma, even if you have not had symptoms, or have been well controlled for years, sometimes you can still get an acute episode. Who knows if that is what happened to that poor young lad, but I agree with Nicola, these things are always sensationalised in the media.

You have to take it in context. It is tragic, but very rare.

29-01-11, 00:55
Think of all the thousands of people who have been excercising today and benefiting from it .They dont put that on the News ...Sue :D

29-01-11, 01:04
Try to remember that if these things happened all the time they wouldn't be a "story". The whole point is that these thing only attract interest because they are highly unusual x