View Full Version : First time poster! rather overdue..

29-01-11, 01:02
Hello everyone!

I am Ona and have been suffering with panic, anxiety, hypochondria and well you name it I worry about it. I have my share of physical ill's which dont help the worry! I have Endo, back problems, sciatica, migranes, see flashing lights and the list could go on and on.

I had a massive panic problem some time ago where I felt totally on another planet for about around a year. Thankfully I came back to earth but I have been sufering with health anxiety ever since.

I think I drive my friends and family crazy and have that feelign that they don't understand - which for their sake i am glad of for the most! - but I have been reading and taking comfort from this forum for years now and it really is about time I posted and got envolved.

So i'll get stuck right in!

I have a ghastly feeling of pressure on my neck - like someone is gripping me and pushing in. I have read a lot of posts here about tension int eh muscles and tendons and I am hoping that is what this is. It happen all of a suggen alongside a horrible bloated feeling - which has now gone - but the neck is still there. It is better in the mornings and gets worse through the day. Weirdly feels worse when Im thinking about it if you know what i mean.

Ill let you know how i get on.

Thanks !

Ona x

ps im dyslexic too so forgive my miz spelinks I don;t notice half the time! ;)

29-01-11, 01:04
Hi Ona

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-01-11, 01:05
Hi Ona :welcome: I'm sure you'll be glad you've taken the plunge! x

30-01-11, 15:26
HI Ona

Welcome to NMP!!!


Vanilla Sky
30-01-11, 17:02
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x