View Full Version : please help...is this swollen glands?

29-01-11, 07:40
Hi, over last few days, my neck has become increasingly painful. It feels very bruised to touch, hurts when I yawn, cough or sneeze. My throat doesn't hurt too bad inside when I swallow. I'm in danger of freaking out here....please can anyone reassure me? X

29-01-11, 09:23
If it is your glands then you will be able to feel small but painful lumps under your jaw line - if you use your thumb to press the flesh from under your jaw this will find any painful glands but only do it once and don't keep on or you will make it hurt anyway. Even a sore on your gum can make your gland directly beneath painful but it will be a specific area.

If your aching more general to all your neck??? Jaw joint problems and neck muscle problems can all make your neck ache.

29-01-11, 09:33
neck pain is usually due to too much tension in you upper back and shoulders, which then goes into your neck and head. Drop your shoulders and try and do this throughout the day (they have a tendency to creep back up round your ears lol). If you make a point, throughout the day to let your whole upper body go as limp as possible, then rotate your head a few times - you will get into the habit and therefor release the tension.

Good luck

29-01-11, 12:07
Thanks for ur replies. Went to out of hours docs he said its swollen glands and to take ibuprofen. My throat is starting to get sore now too :-( I am paranoid about takin ibuprofen because one of my anxiety symptoms is shortness of breath, and I know it says don't take if u have breathing problems. Surely I will be ok on them?

29-01-11, 13:22
Be brave and take one and if you are okay with that then you will be okay to take them - most reactions occur with first dose of painkillers.

sounds like a viral infection

29-01-11, 13:38
Thanks, think I'm going to try one, I need to do something as I'm in pain :(