View Full Version : Pl help

anx mum
29-01-11, 09:46
Many of u know struggling at mo getting pains in my chest, breathing feels like not getting enough air. Really dont know what to think cos had ecgs, chest xray, blood tests, di dimer test doc has examined m and said he cant find anything yet the pains r real. My anxiety is sky high as thinking all sorts hes refereffed me to a specialist on mon:weep:

29-01-11, 10:12
Hi anx mum, I'm the same at the moment, my anxiety has gone through the roof the past few days all because of my breathing. It's good that you are getting referred to a specialist, and so quickly! My doctor won't send me for any tests or anything! :( I really hope this specialist can give you some answers x

anx mum
29-01-11, 10:17
Hi anx mum, I'm the same at the moment, my anxiety has gone through the roof the past few days all because of my breathing. It's good that you are getting referred to a specialist, and so quickly! My doctor won't send me for any tests or anything! :( I really hope this specialist can give you some answers x

Does it feel like ur not getting enough air? Have u got any other sypmtoms?

29-01-11, 10:19
The feeling of not being able to breath is a really distressing symptom of anxiety - but it will go away. Its absolutely nothing to do with your lungs, its your chest muscles that are tense because you are so anxious. Be reassured that your lungs will be perfectly normal and that you will ALWAYS get enough air. Try and breathe from your tummy because this definitely does help and relaxes your chest muscles. Breathe in through your nose gently and expand your tummy, then breathe out gently through your mouth. Concentrate on these breaths for a few minutes and they will help you to calm down a wee bit. Dont despair because this will go when you arent so anxious. Ive been there so many times and it always passes. Just means that you're feeling anxious again xxx

29-01-11, 10:21
Yes, like I can't fully fill my lungs and I get this awful "winded" feeling where the air is pushed out of my lungs (like someone just gave them a squeeze). It scares the hell out of me! I'm feeling really bad this morning and considering just going to the hospital and refusing to leave until they've done tests.
My symptoms are:
Not getting enough air
Winded feeling
Chest pain
Burning sensation in throat (like I've just swallowed acid)

anx mum
29-01-11, 10:22
The feeling of not being able to breath is a really distressing symptom of anxiety - but it will go away. Its absolutely nothing to do with your lungs, its your chest muscles that are tense because you are so anxious. Be reassured that your lungs will be perfectly normal and that you will ALWAYS get enough air. Try and breathe from your tummy because this definitely does help and relaxes your chest muscles. Breathe in through your nose gently and expand your tummy, then breathe out gently through your mouth. Concentrate on these breaths for a few minutes and they will help you to calm down a wee bit. Dont despair because this will go when you arent so anxious. Ive been there so many times and it always passes. Just means that you're feeling anxious again xxx

Have u had chest pain? If so how does it feel?

29-01-11, 10:26
Remember - chest pains can also be anxiety based and are magnified because of how anxious you are. Anxiety causes all sorts of aches and pains and anxiety can bluff you into thinking you have something seriously wrong when in actual fact you are in perfect health - which I bet you are!! xxx

anx mum
29-01-11, 10:29
Remember - chest pains can also be anxiety based and are magnified because of how anxious you are. Anxiety causes all sorts of aches and pains and anxiety can bluff you into thinking you have something seriously wrong when in actual fact you are in perfect health - which I bet you are!! xxx

really scared hun what will specialist do on monday? All other tests have come bk ok just dont understand why chest pain is there

29-01-11, 11:13
Does it feel like ur not getting enough air? Have u got any other sypmtoms?i get like this at moment after chest infection ,i have a peak flow that you mesure your breath ,so i blow that when i see i reach the top i know its anxity plus it good for panic:hugs:

29-01-11, 11:14
I went to the docs with the same symptons, she said that my breathing problems and chest pains were all physcosomatic, in other words it was the anxiety and my mind rather than there being anything medically wrong. I must say that I think she's right ! It took me a long time to believe this but as soon as you start to REALLY believe, the symptons will start to subside. It's hard I know, but you will be fine. Take care

29-01-11, 11:16
hi bev i was like this all night last night couldnt breathe it is rubbish ,but it is anxiety , and if you ever need to talk about clots give me a ring ill tell you all the symptoms pains in chest wasnt 1 of mine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

anx mum
29-01-11, 11:36
hi bev i was like this all night last night couldnt breathe it is rubbish ,but it is anxiety , and if you ever need to talk about clots give me a ring ill tell you all the symptoms pains in chest wasnt 1 of mine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

scared hun what r the syptoms do u cough blood?