View Full Version : should I just go to the hospital?

29-01-11, 10:09
I've been struggling really bad lately with my breathing and it's really scaring me. I keep getting a winded feeling and can't physically take a breath in when it happens. It kept happening loads last night when I wasn't even anxious (I was just playing a game on the playstation with my partner). After about half an hour of it not stopping I started to panic and ended up in a complete mess. I just don't believe that's it's anxiety and was thinking that maybe I should just go to the hospital and get them to do tests on me as my doctor won't send me for tests! I can't carry on like this. it's getting me really down and I keep having awful thoughts about ending my life because I can't stand living in this fear! If I went to the hospital would they do tests??

29-01-11, 10:23
Ive just posted to 'anx mum' and it sounds very much like what she's experiencing at the moment. Its anxiety and its a horrible feeling but it will go away, and yes, sometimes it happens when you dont particularly feel anxious but anxiety has a habit of always lurking in the background when we don't need it!! Don't despair because it's a common symptom and will go when you relax. Try the tummy breaths because they definitely work xxx

29-01-11, 10:25
Thanks Maj. I just feel like I need to know for sure that there's nothing wrong because unlike anx mum, I've not had any tests to rule anything else out. I'm so worried it is something more. It's driving me crazy. I'll definitely try the tummy breathing though x

anx mum
29-01-11, 10:32
Thanks Maj. I just feel like I need to know for sure that there's nothing wrong because unlike anx mum, I've not had any tests to rule anything else out. I'm so worried it is something more. It's driving me crazy. I'll definitely try the tummy breathing though x

Hate breathing symptom does it feel like theres no air like our gonna suffocate im getting this as well as chest pain. What test could they do for breathing does it come and go?

anx mum
29-01-11, 10:33
Thanks Maj. I just feel like I need to know for sure that there's nothing wrong because unlike anx mum, I've not had any tests to rule anything else out. I'm so worried it is something more. It's driving me crazy. I'll definitely try the tummy breathing though x

would u like my email adress maybe we can help eachother

29-01-11, 10:36
I'm not sure what test they could do, an X-ray maybe? I just need to know that it's definitely not something more serious. I feel like at any time I'm just gonna stop breathing! it's all the time, but the winded feeling isn't, but it scares me to death when it does happen! is yours off and on?

29-01-11, 10:37
yes, send me your email please x

anx mum
29-01-11, 10:41
I'm not sure what test they could do, an X-ray maybe? I just need to know that it's definitely not something more serious. I feel like at any time I'm just gonna stop breathing! it's all the time, but the winded feeling isn't, but it scares me to death when it does happen! is yours off and on?

thats what i feel like im gonna stop breathing its horrible feels like im not getting enough air have u got chest pain? Mine is most of time how long u felt like this?

29-01-11, 10:43
I've been like this since about March last year and it's just slowly getting worse. I used to get really bad chest pains but I don't get them as bad anymore. Have you felt like this for awhile?

anx mum
29-01-11, 10:46
I've been like this since about March last year and it's just slowly getting worse. I used to get really bad chest pains but I don't get them as bad anymore. Have you felt like this for awhile?

Have had anxiety and panic on and off for years this time bout a month getting loads of physical symptoms which r scaring me esp the breathing one what does doc say to u?

29-01-11, 11:30
What is Hyperventilation Syndrome?

Please read more about this condition - there is loads on the net.
I have had this for years - very unpleasant, but not harmful.

Hyperventilation Syndrome (http://www.hyperventilation-syndrome.com/) is an unusual condition that is a result of rapid breathing. During rapid breathing, the oxygen/carbon dioxide balance in the blood is disturbed, resulting in an oxygen level that is too high and a depleted level of carbon dioxide. This deficiency in carbon dioxide causes those suffering from Hyperventilation Syndrome to feel like they are not getting enough air, when actually the reverse is true.
With only limited amounts of carbon dioxide present in the blood, the overall pH of the blood rises creating a condition called respiratory alkalosis. The high blood pH causes the symptoms to become worse, which in turn, causes the sufferer to breathe even more rapidly. Respiratory alkalosis leads to functional changes in the nervous system, causing a wide variety of odd symptoms, some in puzzling combinations. This change in nervous system functioning explains why those who suffer from Hyperventilation Syndrome complain of symptoms such as; fatigue, weakness, insomnia or nightmares, chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, abdominal pain, and excessive nerve sensitivity.
This odd combination of symptoms is what often causes Hyperventilation Syndrome to be misdiagnosed. For example, symptoms like chest pain and shortness of breath can easily be mistaken for signs of a heart attack. When no damage to the heart is found, doctors are often at a loss when attempting to explain why the patient continues to complain of these strange symptoms. This leads to frustration on both sides as patients continually return to the doctor complaining of the same symptoms. Even more frustrating is that those suffering from Hyperventilation Syndrome may find it hard to pinpoint the cause as each episode may have different symptoms.

29-01-11, 11:40
judipat - how do you stop being scared? x

anx mum
29-01-11, 12:38
judipat - how do you stop being scared? x

Can breath now hun:weep:horrible

29-01-11, 12:41
Can breath now hun:weep:horrible

did you get my pm? i'm the same... :weep: are u on msn? i'm on it x

anx mum
29-01-11, 12:50
did you get my pm? i'm the same... :weep: are u on msn? i'm on it x

Wont let me add u on msn dont know why?

29-01-11, 12:57
i don't know why it's not working :mad: i tried to send you an instant message on it but it said you would get it when you sign in! stupid thing!!!
i've just choked on a toastie and had a massive panic attack! i'm so daft!

anx mum
29-01-11, 13:01
i don't know why it's not working :mad: i tried to send you an instant message on it but it said you would get it when you sign in! stupid thing!!!
i've just choked on a toastie and had a massive panic attack! i'm so daft!

Breathing feels awful yet my ox levels r 98% dont understand this breathing thing

29-01-11, 13:03
Breathing feels awful yet my ox levels r 98% dont understand this breathing thing

Have you read up on that hyperventilation syndrome that judipat posted?

anx mum
29-01-11, 13:09
Have you read up on that hyperventilation syndrome that judipat posted?

Yeah feel like i cant breath sat here crying :weep:

29-01-11, 13:15
aww hun, don't get upset (easier said than done, i know). you have an appointment on monday right, so make sure you tell this speciailist how it is making you feel and that you need to now what is causing it. If they investigate it and it turns out that they can't find anything then they need to tell you how to cope with it. Maybe some therapy or something? Is you're hubby at home with you? x

anx mum
29-01-11, 13:17
aww hun, don't get upset (easier said than done, i know). you have an appointment on monday right, so make sure you tell this speciailist how it is making you feel and that you need to now what is causing it. If they investigate it and it turns out that they can't find anything then they need to tell you how to cope with it. Maybe some therapy or something? Is you're hubby at home with you? x

No on my own hows ur breathing?

29-01-11, 13:20
you'll be ok hun. you've been here before and nothing has happened. i can give u my mobile number if you like? you could text me? or you have my email so you can email me!
my breathing is bad but not as bad as last night. my partner has gone out so i'm on my own now though which always makes me a little bit worse but i'm trying to just concentrate on other things!

anx mum
29-01-11, 13:24
you'll be ok hun. you've been here before and nothing has happened. i can give u my mobile number if you like? you could text me? or you have my email so you can email me!
my breathing is bad but not as bad as last night. my partner has gone out so i'm on my own now though which always makes me a little bit worse but i'm trying to just concentrate on other things!

what does ur breathing feel like

29-01-11, 13:29
it's so hard to explain hun. It sort of feels like my throat is closing up when i take a breath in and as if my lungs don't want to expand. It's like my body finds it a struggle to do it. Then sometimes i get the "winded" feeling too which is like someone has got hold of the bottom of my lungs and they are giving them a quick squeeze to push the air out! And sometimes when i'm having a bad time with my breathing i find that i stop breathing, like i'm holding my breath, and then i have to take a deep breath! the thing i feel all the time is like there is a lump in my chest. that's why i want the doctor to send me for tests!
how does yours feel?

anx mum
29-01-11, 13:32
it's so hard to explain hun. It sort of feels like my throat is closing up when i take a breath in and as if my lungs don't want to expand. It's like my body finds it a struggle to do it. Then sometimes i get the "winded" feeling too which is like someone has got hold of the bottom of my lungs and they are giving them a quick squeeze to push the air out! And sometimes when i'm having a bad time with my breathing i find that i stop breathing, like i'm holding my breath, and then i have to take a deep breath! the thing i feel all the time is like there is a lump in my chest. that's why i want the doctor to send me for tests!
how does yours feel?

feels like im suffocatting hun:weep: like cant get enough air

29-01-11, 13:35
have you tried any breathing exercises?
sometimes i find that when i'm bad, if i take a little nap i feel a bit better when i wake up!
or how about trying a bit of distraction? do you need to hoover up? or go do some laundry?
You can breathe hun! Take a deep breath and then shake it off! that helps me sometimes! just literally give your arms and body a little shake! x

29-01-11, 13:53
Hi again
I have got a very good book on hyperventilation syndrome by a New Zealand physiotherapist called Dinah Shore - look for it on Amazon. It helped me a lot.
You could ask your doctor if he would refer you to a chest physio.

It is sometimes spotted by your doctor, although some people feel so unwell during an attack that they go to the casualty department.

The symptoms are quite variable and may include tingling fingers, tingling around the mouth, dizziness, fainting, chest pain, tiredness, disturbed vision, a sensation of not being able to get a deep enough breath, sighing and yawning. No two people will feel the same - the symptoms may be quite different.

Quite often there has been an event which has caused the first episode of overbreathing. This may be an emotional happening such as death of a loved one or family breakdown, or it may be a physical cause such as intense pain or an asthma attack. Sometimes it is not possible to identify the first event.

Sometimes a blood test is done, but normally the history and symptoms alone identify the problem. The doctor or physiotherapist will probably listen to your chest and may ask you to blow into a peak flow meter to check how well your lungs work.

A physiotherapist will work with you to help you to be more aware of your breathing and to teach you to breathe in a more normal way. You will probably be given breathing control exercises to practice at home.

Most people do get better. However there is always a chance that you may have another attack if something triggers it. However, hopefully you will have learned how to cope and will be able to control it with the breathing exercises.

This will be different for each patient. If may take many weeks for some to learn the breathing techniques and for their body to adjust to the higher (more normal) level of carbon dioxide. Your physiotherapist will want to be sure that you are much better and have learned how to cope if a relapse should occur.

29-01-11, 14:05
Thanks judipat. I'm going to speak with my doctor about this! i can't carry on like this! that's really helpful :) x

29-01-11, 14:28
I also get this everyday. It's exhausting, not nice atall x

anx mum
29-01-11, 16:03
Hi again
I have got a very good book on hyperventilation syndrome by a New Zealand physiotherapist called Dinah Shore - look for it on Amazon. It helped me a lot.
You could ask your doctor if he would refer you to a chest physio.

It is sometimes spotted by your doctor, although some people feel so unwell during an attack that they go to the casualty department.

The symptoms are quite variable and may include tingling fingers, tingling around the mouth, dizziness, fainting, chest pain, tiredness, disturbed vision, a sensation of not being able to get a deep enough breath, sighing and yawning. No two people will feel the same - the symptoms may be quite different.

Quite often there has been an event which has caused the first episode of overbreathing. This may be an emotional happening such as death of a loved one or family breakdown, or it may be a physical cause such as intense pain or an asthma attack. Sometimes it is not possible to identify the first event.

Sometimes a blood test is done, but normally the history and symptoms alone identify the problem. The doctor or physiotherapist will probably listen to your chest and may ask you to blow into a peak flow meter to check how well your lungs work.

A physiotherapist will work with you to help you to be more aware of your breathing and to teach you to breathe in a more normal way. You will probably be given breathing control exercises to practice at home.

Most people do get better. However there is always a chance that you may have another attack if something triggers it. However, hopefully you will have learned how to cope and will be able to control it with the breathing exercises.

This will be different for each patient. If may take many weeks for some to learn the breathing techniques and for their body to adjust to the higher (more normal) level of carbon dioxide. Your physiotherapist will want to be sure that you are much better and have learned how to cope if a relapse should occur.

Thanks hun this symptom is awful really scares me

29-01-11, 17:45
punkprincess19 -- totally anxiety!! I was like that for a whole month one time and I remember finally deciding to get it checked out so I went to the doctor and as soon as he asked me, "What is going on today?" I just broke down and cried, and it felt WONDERFUL! You must have some things pent up inside of you right now that needs to be released. Remember, anxiety is a SYMPTOM of something else going on. What is going on in your life right now? What changes are happening or will be happening? How are your relationships? Are you experiencing anything from the past you are having a hard time letting go? Maybe just sit and write out the answers to these and see if it helps. We need these things to go somewhere, and when they don't they bottle up and cause these things to happen. You will be fine. Just take a deep breath and instead of going inside yourself, see what is going on on the outside. Hugs to you -- Wiskers ~

29-01-11, 18:00
Thanks wiskers!
Everything in my life was going fab until this happened. I get what you mean about writing things but the truth is that its only the anxiety and the physical symptoms that are causing me problems. Everything else in my life was great until the anxiety. I can't work because of it so now i'm having major financial difficulties! :weep:
I've tried self help books, self hypnosis, meds and counselling. I'm just waiting for CBT now and i hope it helps! x

29-01-11, 19:32
Hi again

Can I just say that for some people, it may be what is going on in their lives, past or present. However, for others, it may not - it could be just sheer physical and /or mental exhaustion.
Whatever you do, DONT get searching for answers - i made this mistake and beleive me, it caused me such anguish.
It sounds to me that you have had panic attacks and you have become afraid of the physical symptoms and how they make you feel - that is quite understandable as they are horrible.

pm me if you wish - anytime.

I wish you well - it will get better, please believe that.

Judi xx

29-01-11, 22:55
arrrggghhhh! my breathing is really bad again! I can't relax because of it and I'm scared! :weep:
I wish it would just go away! I've had a massive headache and felt dizzy earlier and nothing, no panic, no anxiety, no nothing! but then my breathing got bad again and now I'm wishing I had just gone to the hospital earlier! I can't cope! :weep:

30-01-11, 02:21
has the doctor done any of the usual tests?
I think just for your own piece of mind it be good to get it checked out.
You can go to the ER , my doctor sent me there once because I had a fast heart rate for a week straight.
They did the ECG, chest xray and blood tests.
Heart scan / echo , stress test.

I known when my heart skips a beat or what ever it does, I get the sensation of air been pushed out, or like I caught my breath, not sure if thats what your getting.

30-01-11, 05:21
hey to u all,i was wanted to fill u in with my breathing problems.i was just setting here and it felt like i stopped breathing for a couple sec,so i got a sceary feeling in my belly and huryy and jumped up i thought i was dieing i had chest xrays tons of time,is it poible to just stop breathing ,this is realy scearing me ,and feels like my diafram is so tight ,its awfulll