View Full Version : optical migraine or something else?

29-01-11, 11:15
Hi ive suffered with optical migraines for years, i go through spells of not having them for ages then having 3 in a month, anyway last night i was looking in the mirror and in my left eye i saw a small colorful flicker, it got worse like the usual optical migraines i have then just went within 10 minutes, it was like the normal ones i get but different because they were more like lightening flashes, is this still a migraine?? im getting so worked up incase its something else,,

but i have woken up with sinus pain and a blocked nose this morning, and just to mention ive had a very stressful week, ive experienced every emotion going i think,. so stupid but all over money.

im so annoyed with myself for seeing reassurance but i desperately dont wanna feel like this.

Leanne x:wacko:

29-01-11, 12:29
Hi Leanne

This does sound very much like optical migraine, I got them through both of my pregancies they took half of my vision away-very scary.

I now only tend to get a tiny single falsh somewhere in my vision (just as though someone has flashed a camera in one of my eyes) its lasts anything from a few seconds to 10 mins then gradually fades away, my mum has had this for years and her flash tends to be a colour like yours.

When im really stressed I notice them much more.

Becky x

29-01-11, 23:02
This sounds very much like a Migraine. My mother has suffered with them troubly since her teenage years and now i do. Mine have been triggered by my anxiety while i've gone from having maybe one every 5 years to having 3 in a week. My migraines affected me by black spots. Stress or being run down can triggers them as well as the normal coffee, citus fruits, cheese, chocolate triggers. Lights, dehydration and and unhealthy diet also triggers them.

Sounds like your a bit run down and this is triggering them off. You can ask your doctors from medication to take or you can boost your immune system up.

I hate them. Its not the migraine that bothers me, its the weak, run down feeling the next day.

Hope you feel better soon. xxx

30-01-11, 09:25
thanks guys

i think its def stress related, my car broke down last sat and took it to garage it was £1069 to get fixed, been stressing out so much and its been making me feel ill, no car cant get to work no money to fix the car lol, ended up getting it fixed and getting the car back on friday, it was just a mix of everything i think. if im honest im usually ok with them but for some reason this time it paniced me, im worrying it could be a brain tumor,

when u get the migraines, do your eyes feel sensitive for a while after, almost like u have to squint.
thanks again, i really appriciate u taking time to reply

Leanne x

30-01-11, 18:39
thanks guys

i think its def stress related, my car broke down last sat and took it to garage it was £1069 to get fixed, been stressing out so much and its been making me feel ill, no car cant get to work no money to fix the car lol, ended up getting it fixed and getting the car back on friday, it was just a mix of everything i think. if im honest im usually ok with them but for some reason this time it paniced me, im worrying it could be a brain tumor,

when u get the migraines, do your eyes feel sensitive for a while after, almost like u have to squint.
thanks again, i really appriciate u taking time to reply

Leanne x

My eyes can of like ache in, behind and around. I am also from sensitive to light and it feels like a weight is on my forehead and eyes that makes me feel like i am squinting.

Dont worry about them. I got them so regularly that i worried i had brain problems or a tumour. I got my eyes tested which come back 20/20 vision and
then my doctor said that they are a symptom of anxiety. Needless to say after being on medication for my anxiety i have had a headache from lack of sleep but nothing as near as painful and distressing as the migraines and nothing standard paracetamol can not cover.