View Full Version : In a panic!!!

29-01-11, 12:30
Used the public loos this morning and wiped the seat before i went to use it. When i looked at the toilet paper there was blood on it- obviously from the seat.
I didnt touch the blood and washed my hands straight away, but now im sooo scared i might of caught something.
I have a tiny scratch on my wrist but that was covered.
As i said the blood was on the paper not me.
PLEASE please advise x

29-01-11, 12:34
dont worry about it .....thats my advice ...you washed your hands and thats all you can do ....its bad that some people dont care how they leave a toilet for the next person to use

29-01-11, 13:37
i wouldn't worry about it hun if you washed your hands! if you put your finger in your mouth straight away then worry a little, but you didn't, you washed your hands and washed away any germs! x