View Full Version : So fed up, my life's passing me by....

29-01-11, 16:00
Hi guys,

I'm new on here and haven't really told my story, so here it is. My HA started when I had my 1st daughter 4 years ago but never really got bad until about a year ago.
I started suffering with lower abdominal pains and convinced myself (with the help of 'Google') that I had cervical cancer. Tests showed that all was fine and strangley the pains went away!
From about March last year I started to feel really tired, had lots of stiff necks, headaches etc and in June I was diagnosed with Post Viral Fatigue. Between June and November I went to A&E twice, once with what I thought was a brain tumour and the other time with what I thought was ovarian cancer - tests showed nothing was wrong and again the pains went away. During that time I've also had a CAT scan, 2 chest x-rays, pelvic ultrasound, breast US and various blood tests. The latest just before Xmas showed that I am not anaemic and have no inflammation in my body.
Yet here I am again, worrying every minute of the day that I have lung cancer (due to having blood in my phlegm a few times and a constant aching shoulder - waiting to see chest specialist in 4 wks time) and stomach cancer (due to abdominal pains, feeling full very quickly when eating and feeling very tired all the time). My GP keeps putting everything down to the PVF and as much as I keep explaining that this tiredness is so completely different to what that was, he just isn't listening.
This morning I've taken my 2 girls (aged 2 & 4) to the cinema, out for lunch and a quick look around the shops and the whole time I was thinking that I might not have many more days like this to come. I could have cried every time I looked at them :(

I just don't know where to go from here, my GP thinks I'm a nutter (maybe I am) and my partner is getting a bit fed up of me (although he only knows the half of it because I don't like to burden him with it).

K xx

29-01-11, 18:17
Hello Kah,

Welcome to NMP, you will find plenty of people here who will be able to relate totally to the way you are feeling, and will be able to offer support. I know how debilitating the constant worrying is, and once in the grip of health anxiety it is very difficult to break the cycle of worry. Recognising you do suffer from health anxiety is a step forward, because hopefully there will be times when you are able to glimpse a sense of rationality, which you can build upon to gain more understanding of your fears.

I think it would be worthwhile making an appointment with your Doctor to discuss your anxiety, and exactly how it is making you feel. If you think he isn't listening to you then arrange to see another Doctor. I know how awful it feels when you are in the middle of all this anxiety, and you can't see a way forward; but there are good treatments available, which I am sure will help you towards recovery. xx

29-01-11, 18:46
my stomach pains and the bloated feeling arrived after being worried sick over a health issue , worry increase,s stomach acid production .I.m sure thats all your stomach will be .