View Full Version : are swabs meant to hurt?

29-01-11, 16:06
Ended up in A&E this morning seeing an out of hours Dr due to urine retention/constipation... Dr last night diagnosed it as lazy bladder/bowel but told me not to worry and just go to the toilet more!! Soo after hardly managing to wee at all in 12 hours or so, with pelvic pain - I called up NHS who asked me to go see a dr at A&E... She got me to do a wee sample - totally normal. She then did a vaginal swab and honestly, I've never felt sore that like that before, it was like she stabbed me on the inside! Was still sore/burning for a good hour after and I've been left with period pain like cramping around my lower tummy and sides - still with this inability to wee as well. I'm now totally stuck on what to do - they don't seem to want to help me - I had these swabs done only a fortnight ago and they came back totally clear - I was told to give my own GP a phone if nothing's improved but as she told me last night there's not really anything she can do. So what do I do next? Very fed up!

29-01-11, 18:18
Hi there, something is obviously going on there so I would insist to be refered to either a urology clinic or a gynaecolocial clinc. I suffer with a different form of Pelvic Pain so I can understand how drs often just give up!! You dont give up though and insist you are refered to a specialist straigt away! With regards to the swap hurting it could be that the nerves and the tissues are overactive and inflamed due to whatever is going on. Get referred asap so they can do further tests and look at more varied treatments..GPs are quite limited in what they can provide x

29-01-11, 21:03
OK thank you, will see what my GP says - will either phone her on Mon or try to see her. Have passed only a trickle of urine despite drinking 2 large glasses of water, 2 small glasses, a cup of tea, a can of fanta and a bottle of blueberry juice. Very weird, normally I'd be peeing nonstop with that lot but I just can't go at all! I'm aware if I don't go it wont cause any harm and I'll just eventually wet meself or something but I'm so uncomfy, it's not so much sore I just feel so unsettled and bloated :( I know it's very very tight - not to be graphic but you know your inner bits and bobs are elastic or so they say, well mine has gone completely rigid - as if it's just in complete spasm. I always get that with a urine infection but apparently this time that's not the case and thats sooo frustrating!!

29-01-11, 22:05
*hallelujiah chorus* finally managed a bit! so relieved, my tummy was getting heavy! not as much as I would have liked but it's a start! will definitely be telephoning surgery on Monday and begging for help!

29-01-11, 22:21
Its quite common for the pelvic floor muscles to do something called 'guarding' if an area has been irritated by infection or something else. They go all tight like you said. This is to protect the area and restrict blood flow. Its also common for the Pelvic floor to keep up this 'guarding' mechansim after initial infection as gone. This is what mine have done and so I am going to be rehabilitating mine with the use of pelvic floor exercises and bio feedback. I think your issue sound more to do with urology and so a specialist clinic is just what you need. x

29-01-11, 23:15
lol you seem to know quite a bit about it :) glad you do as you're helping me calm down a lot :) .. like I said will speak to doctor on Monday, I feel a bit bad for doing it, having only seen her Fri night and then another this morning... but they're there to help arent they.

30-01-11, 10:38
I havent been able to wee now for 12 hours, despite drinking two large glasses of water, a small glass, and an ice lolly. Taken ibuprofen, antibiotics, had a shower, a bath, sat on the loo about six times already this morning - and NOTHING is happening. Tummy is getting very bloated/sore and legs have gone a bit wobbly now... Havent got a clue what to do; I'm so desperate to wee but every time I try I can't :(

Feel like I am going to wet myself and I wish I could because I'm so so uncomfy.

30-01-11, 11:05
Phoned NHS 24 now who are suprisingly quite sympathetic and getting a nurse to phone back in 2 hours or so :) hopefully that will get me somewhere

30-01-11, 15:31
Got sent to A&E again - got given a bladder scan which showed up 400ml in me bladder, this then triggered me into having to nip to the loo - and they've sent a sample off to the city to test it properly (we live in a very rural area with a very basic hospital) .. bit weird as when I do go I'm passing solid stuff actually in my wee (tmi, sorry!) so possibly there is an infection - they've put me on new anitibiotics to see what happens and will get results from my gp next week. So at least I'm not so uncomfy now, thats a plus at least xx

30-01-11, 23:21
Getting so sick of this now - tummy, back and pelvic area very sore and bloated.. Will wait until tests come back (hopefully by Friday) and then will maybe see my GP - too scared that they'll be annoyed with me.