View Full Version : help panicking?

29-01-11, 16:15
one worry is my friends good at hair and she did it for me 3 times when i was round there this weekend. but she was quite rough with the hair dryer/brush/straigten irons and my head hurts and i can feel things at the back of my head. Still feel nauseas aswell (all the time even when im not thinking about being anxious) also still get pain in nose to :( still convinced i have an infection

also getting really bad twitching in right eye and just above it in my forhead and further above it to sometimes :'(
also my friends house has wooden floor and i didnt realise i was bare foot in there almost all weekend and now im scared of splinters. also still got the two tiny black dots on my hand from a few days ago and i found another on the tip of my finger.

29-01-11, 16:49
at the moment got pain above left eye. really worried about bleeding to the head

29-01-11, 17:24
another list of my worries is:
- bad sinus issues ( i think its my sinusues) (when i 1st got it had migranie and dizziness)
- last week been getting stingy achy eyes
- slight ear pain
- when i get the eye twitch now its more in more forehead and along to the top of my nose sometimes (also feels like it goes along side on nose to sometimes
-pain/feelings at back of head.
-stomach pain (really bad on friday) and conspiation.

im convinced im dying. also getting jaw pain were chewing but my teeth arnt in the best condition (going to see dentist soon)

macc noodle
29-01-11, 17:45
Ooooooooooh Emma !!!! Can you please put ANXIETY next to all your list of worries and trust me YOU ARE NOT DYING!

When are you seeing the doc again? Have they suggested any meds to help reduce your anxiety levels.

When you at CBT - did you decide to ask a friend to accompany you?


29-01-11, 19:07
Thank you.
Not planned to see my doc again at the moment.
I have counessling in just under two weeks. Not sure if im going to take anyone yet :) x

29-01-11, 19:34
never had a i had this twicthy eye before (its really bad) (comes after the hair thing which worries me) and been having achy/stingy/ feelings in eyes for at least a week now to

29-01-11, 20:13
another issue i have is my throat

29-01-11, 20:33
in my throat theres a feeling near the back on top of my mouth (itchy feeling kind of, dont know how to explain it) and throat/neck aches and feels flemmy (sinus and acid mabye) and blocked.
another thing im worried about is acid reflux as i get a lot of burping. and once every week i get a big throat spasm that causes me to stop breathing for a few seconds. (worred that the acid is doing something is not meant to)
also been getting itchy/sore/ and dry skin (dry skin only on hands)

29-01-11, 20:49
Unless she starting cutting deep into your head, its unlikely you have an infection there. You could always try cleaning it and putting some savlon on there if you wanted to.

If there pain when you put pressure on the area you think there are splinters? If not then its very unlikely you have any, or possibly you might have just that is working its way out. If in doubt you could always call NHS Direct but there was no pain when walking, no pain now and no pain when you put pressure then its unlikely.

Eye Pain
I have pain around my left eye as well, put it down to muscle pains and headaches.

Sinus Issues
Smoking, drinking, staying in doors and being in constant dry air can all make the sinusus go mad, if you have a Boots near you then really try some nasal spray, not the stuff with chemicals in it but the bottle which is just salt and water. It comes in a useful bottle with applicator and can be very helpful (I have sinus issues as well). Costs about £5.

Ear Pain
TMJ can cause that, its all connected. If you have pain in your ear/cheek/jaw area then its possible but you would need to see a dentist about that. If you have a lot of ear pain you could either try some Otex drops or Olive oil, or call up NHS Direct.

Twitching/Head Pain
Sounds like anxiety type muscle twitches and tension. Benzo's or even a hot bath might help.

Stomach Pain/Constipation
A big cause can be not eating enough. When you eat it causes all the muscles of the degistive system to spasm and move food downwards. When you dont eat enough the food just sits. Hot drinks, hot food or laxatives should help this. Some of the milder laxatives with no or little side effects are Milk of Magnesia and Lactulose.

Hope that helps calm your nerves. If you want to talk you are welcome to PM me.

29-01-11, 21:00
thanks for the long post.
about the splinter thing though i went to london on thursday and walked loads in really bad shoes and that made them hurt and they still do. went to her house after- i have a feeling in one foot like theres a splinter but i cant see anything :\

29-01-11, 21:04
also i had pain all over my foot after walking loads but now its just one tiny area on one foot? if there was a splinter id be able to see it right unless its gone really deep:(

29-01-11, 21:20
it really does feel like a splinter (as its in one little place on my foot)

29-01-11, 22:11
scared of waking up tomoz with blue feet :(

29-01-11, 22:12
the point in my foot hurts a little if pressure is applied to it

29-01-11, 22:14
on other foot found something (but not sure if its a vein) feels a bit funny to touch.. i want to go to bed but i cant

29-01-11, 23:01
going to try and sleep now but reallyy scared :(

macc noodle
29-01-11, 23:10
If you walked a long time in uncomfortable shoes, then your feet will feel almost bruised or as if there is something stuck in them - for a couple of days at least! Bet they feel better tomorrow or Monday :)

Try and get some sleep - you will be fine Emma - a good night's rest will do the power of good.

Sleep tight.

30-01-11, 16:06
thanks. i had a good nights sleep but feet are still sore in one place :(
also just had roast chicken but the chicken was really red. my dad has never undercooked meet though. if i get stomach ache its going to scare me now:( because i wont know if its the chicken or something else ( i get a lot of stomach pains)

30-01-11, 16:52
my tummy aches at the moment and i feel really consipated and i hear noises from my tummy.

30-01-11, 17:08
also today been getting random pains on right side of head (yesterday had a bad twitching right eye)

30-01-11, 17:11
another thing thats worrying me is i have pain when i press against lymph nodes in neck :( no pain anywere else in neck though. I also feel hard bumps just down from my lymph nodes under my chin. it hurts there to

30-01-11, 21:42
really scared of dying in my sleep tonight :(