View Full Version : I'm trying to get better, then all of a sudden ....

29-01-11, 17:06
Dear Friends, I just had a scary experience and wanted to know if anyone has ever had something similar happen ...
I am agoraphobic. I have been ever since over a year ago I had a scary palpitaiton while driving, along with episodes in stores where I felt fuzzy headed and thought I was going to pass out ..
Anyway, I am getting to the point where I am tired of living like this. I am starting to make myself get out a little more and try and endure the anxiety. I have to, life changes need to be made and I have to be able to do these things.
Today I had to pick something up from the store -- a layaway type thing. I felt some hyperventilation on the way, but I wasn't as afraid as I normally would be. I got a few items first -- once I am in the store I do feel I want to hurry so I can get out, so I am rushing here, there, and everywhere. Finally, I go to pick up my layaway and I am waiting, and waiting, and waiting -- I start feeling more anxious, this has interrupted my rhythm. Then, I start feeling fuzzy headed and wondering if I was going to black out. Finally I got my stuff, and after that I really felt I needed to rush, so I walked briskly through the store, kids in tow. I'm hyperventilating and I got in a short line. My head is starting to feel funny -- tingly, maybe I started worrying about that .. then, my heart just fluttered all over the place and I had to hold on to the side of the check out place because I thought I was going to black out. I just had to get out of there! I got to the car and calmed myself down, but I still had minor waves of panic. I'm feeling ok now -- just my legs feel rubbery and my head feels full.
Here I am determined to get over this and THIS happens! My doc keeps telling me I am fine, my heart sounds fine, but I can't shake this fear something is wrong because of such strange symptoms. I know I have a lot of emotional stuff bottled inside -- in fact I found out this morning someone I know in our community died of cancer, she was young. Maybe that subconsciously had something to do with the extreme nature of the sensations ..but then I worry that if I have a heart condition it would present itself more under stress.
I am worried now. I can handle palpitations/flutters/ missed beats -- as long as there are no other symptoms attached. But, when I feel clammy, or I feel I am going to black out for an instant .... something's got to be wrong. I've had EKGs done for a couple of years off and on due to this sort of thing and they have all been fine. I am 39 -- can something really be wrong after all?? Have any of you experienced such scary things along with your palpitations/flutters -- whatever they are??
Thank you in advance for your replies ... Wiskers ~

30-01-11, 08:49
I have just done about hyperventilation in my therapy. Basically it's the symptoms of hyperventilation which causes us to have a panicabd causes the rest of the symptoms. If you try breathing exercises as soon ad the hyperventilation starts you can cut off a panic and it's symptoms. Takes a lit if practice but the key is the not gulp air or sigh etc, to keep breathing slow from your abdomen.