View Full Version : urine infection

29-01-11, 18:43
i am getting myself all worked up as i was in hospital at xmas time with bad urine infection and i think it is back again my urine is all cloudy again i am sitting here typing this and i am crying cause my partner says there is nothing wrong with me ? please help ?:scared10:

29-01-11, 18:53
Have you any other symptoms as well as the cloudy urine??? Sounds as if you last infection was pretty bad to put you in hospital so I would think you would be sensible to ring the out of hours GP service and see a Dr before Monday so that antibiotics can get to work before you end up as bad as before.
I take it your partner is not being sympathetic- do they know about the cloudy urine??? Try not to panic as that tests everyone sympathy and be as matter of fact as you can to your partner and the out of hours Dr.
Have your tried drinking loads of water to try and flush the infection out??
Let us know how you get on.

29-01-11, 19:31
yes i have told him and he says it is nothing thinks it is all anxiety? and he says i have been ok all day but i never told him as not to ruin his weekend ? am i being sefish ? i have started to drink water and cranberry juice i am now running every halh hour so hopefully it will fush it out till monday but it gets me so worried ?

29-01-11, 19:36
Urine infections can make you feel really poorly. You are not being selfish at all by telling your partner. Put it this way - if your partner was suffering then I am sure you would be told. If this has ruined his weekend, then how does he think you must be feeling....Just my opinion :whistles:
Keep drinking the cranberry juice and water for now, but you may need some antibiotics to get rid of it completely. Water infections need to be treated or they can cause further problems but you already know that I am sure because of being in hospital in the past. Dont let your partner tell you it is anxiety. He is not a doctor. No one can tell you what it is until you have had your urine tested.
If you feel worse then try calling NHS Direct or your gps surgery. Do you have a walk in health centre near you?
I used to get a lot of water infections and they can make you feel really unwell.
Sending you hugs & hope you feel better soon. Let us know how you get on.

29-01-11, 19:47
hi thanks for the reply ? no we dont have them in scotland i feel ok just the running to the loo that is the problem ? ill keep drinking it and see what im like in morning ?thanks again ?xx:D

29-01-11, 19:57
Hi again
If you keep running to the toilet and there is only a small amount of urine, and its cloudy, then it sounds like a water infection. I remember having to go and then as soon as I had gone, I would want to go again very shortly afterwards. Does it burn and sting?
Make sure you get to see a doctor, if you are still suffering tomorrow.
Hope you feel better soon

29-01-11, 20:08
hi again yes i am going but it is not a small amount though and it is not burning or stinging justwhen you do i sometimes go ooooooooooooo ?xx

29-01-11, 20:37
Girlfriend has a lot of UTI's as well due to kidney issues.

Anyway, here is the Scottish NHS Direct number: 08454 242424

They should be able to advise you and give directions to the nearest place you can get anti-b's from if you need them, hope its ok.

29-01-11, 21:09
thanks it is running clear now due to the amount of water i have consumed i feel all bloated now and kidneys are sore cant keep up with that much water ?

29-01-11, 22:40
I was told off by a nurse when I told her I drink 8 litres a day, infact she said if I carried on I would kill myself!

I did notice that when I drank that much I felt really bloated.

29-01-11, 22:58
yes you can do that ? i only drink 4 pints a i have drank more han that today though but have stopped now not had much since 9pm still got the pint my hubby gave me then ? my urine has went clear now and yes i did feel somewhat bloated it has eased off a bit now as i have been going to loo every half hour ? xx

29-01-11, 23:10
Apparently you can, there was a lady in the US who, for a competition, drank 8 litres of water in 1 hour, she died of an overdose.

What colour is the urine?

edit: just realised you might be worried reading that, it would be hard to drink that much in that little time, oh and I forgot to mention - she didnt pee either.

29-01-11, 23:25
Yes I know I heard about that I have stopped now not had any more since 9 pm and still going to loo every half hour ? It is light colour ? When you go go drinking too much alcohol ? ? Feeling better ?xc

30-01-11, 00:18
I,ve drank eight pints in the last 4 hours and it wasn,t water :blush:

I,m sure you will be fine , its a pain/worry i know but it will clear up .

30-01-11, 00:36
If you're still suffering by Monday see if you can hand a sample into your doc's Panic. It's the only away to find out whether you have an infection or don't x

30-01-11, 12:15
hi i seem to be fine this morning water is still running clear i hope it stays that way till tomorow then il see what happens got doc on wed though thanks for all your relpys? xx

Hazel B
30-01-11, 12:31
Other symptoms could be: pain/stinging when you pass urine, temperature if the infection has set in, pain above your pubic bone in the bladder area and visible blood in your urine.

Please see your GP tomorrow if you're still worried.