View Full Version : smoking

29-03-06, 23:41
hi has anyone stopped smoking while they are suffering panic attacks and anxiety i really have tried to stop i have read allen carrs book a couple of times i don't get out much so i don't smoke outside i really need to stop the cost of smoking is so much and i can't afford to smoke my husband doesn't smoke and my daughter hates me smoking because i am at home all the time i just reach for the fags when i get panicy or board has any one stop smoking and did it help you in any way i was working last year and i never smoked for 5 hours while i was at work but as soon as i got home i went straight for the fags i am not working now because of panic attacks i can't get to the shops to get fags for myself my husband gets them when he does the shopping any help would be a great help love marg

29-03-06, 23:46
hi Marg i have stopped smoking due to it making me feel more lightheaded and sick when smoking it was wierd i def think stopping will help things quicker when u feel panicky solve it urself not thru tabacco

good luck hun

30-03-06, 08:24
Try these

Stopping smoking
HELP TO STOP SMOKING (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=599)
Teaching (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4576)
Giving up smoking! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=531)
Smoking increasing my Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5443)
smoking (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5703)
smoking, anxiety and panic (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5772)
quitting smoking- what about the patch? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6654)
NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS LIST (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6902)


Ma Larkin
30-03-06, 10:05
Hi Marg, I smoke quite a lot. I do work full-time & there is an office where I can have a smoke, but I only have at the most 5 a day, but once I get home I'll smoke the rest of the 20 packet! Weekends is even worse, I can smoke 10 with 2 brews!! I wish I could give up, I've looked at all the posts on quitting, even been to my GP, but I can never find the willpower to give up. I think I'll give up today, then something happens that makes me reach straight for the packet.

I will do it one day!


30-03-06, 13:50
Hey Marge... i definatly think stopping smoking helps... i've now been a non-smoker for 8 days... the first 2 days were the worst... but after that you definatly feel the benefits... Obviously it doesn't stop your anxiety completely, you have to do that.. but it does give you a better feeling about yourself and panic attacks seem less powerful for some reason...
But seriously give them up you'll not regret it i promise you... Many people think giving up is scary because "its a part of them" but its not at the end of the day you should choose what you want in your body...

30-03-06, 19:47
Hi Marge

I used to be a proffesional smoker but have quit, from 30 a day to zero, the benefits far outway any advantages, in fact now I am one of the worlds worst anti smokers, I go out to the pub and shower and change my clothes when i come back in to get rid of the smell of tobacco. I used new Leaf and zyban to help me stop, and i stopped just like that, one day I was a heavy smoker the next day i was a non smoker. I could frighten you with a list of the poisons and addatives they add to ciggarettes but i wont. The one thing i will say, you have to seriously want to stop smoking, you will know when you ready to quit. Stop fooling yourself with all the smokers cliches, It helps me think, It relaxes me, it gives me something to do with my hands. Once you realise that it is unheathy, is helping to prolong your panic symptons and make them more frequent, is expensive is unhealty for you and the people who you are causing to passive smoke, it makes you, your clothes and house smell then you will be able to quit. If you want me to direct you to some good places to learn about the benefits of not smoking without being patronised message me


06-04-06, 00:12
Hi Marg
I stopped smoking just over a month ago and it has really helped with my anxiety. I know exactly how you feel you worry about the damage it does to you and your family so much that you get even more stressed then have to reach for a ciggy! But when I did stop my racing heart and breathing difficulties got so much better partly I think because nicotine is a stimulant and increases these symptoms but also because you are doing something really positive and great for your body.