View Full Version : fear of a damp wall in my room

29-01-11, 19:52
another thing im worried about is a damp wall in my room. it was black but my mum cleaned all that off but it still feels damp. it makes me scared to sleep in my own room incase it collaspes

29-01-11, 19:54
A damp wall won't collapse Emma

29-01-11, 19:56
thanks. I just think im finding everything to panic about at the moment. need a good nights sleep lol.

29-01-11, 20:05
I will send you a chill pill Emma ;)

You're just working yourself up into a state. You need to read, listen to music, play games ... do something to distract yourself from thinking about all this negative, irrational stuff.

You'll be fine.

29-01-11, 20:31
thank you. :)
i know i work my self up but i cant help but think the worst :(

29-01-11, 20:32
I had a damp mouldy wall in my room. It was behind a wardrobe so never noticed it until I moved out and found it covered in thick black mould.

(lived in that room for 20 years)

31-01-11, 20:19
thanks for the advice. last night i woke to a noise on my wall ( not a creaking but something else) i hear this every night, always have done but im so worried its going to collaspe on me . also i used to hear a banging against all my wall.

31-01-11, 20:25
Perhaps its the neighbours Bed knocking the wall ?:roflmao:.Every house makes noises ,laying in bed when its quiet makes them seem louder .its intensified by Anxiety the same goes for aches and pains Em-ma ..Sue x

31-01-11, 20:40
Sue is right. All houses have their own noises. I have little birds nesting in a hole on the outside wall of my house. I see them going in and out all the time. One neighbour told me to have the council fill it but i wouldn't hear of it. I like the fact they have a cosy wee home. See it could be something as simple as that hun but definately nothing to worry about.

Take care

31-01-11, 21:11
thanks. the creaking noise is the most worrying, try telling my self normal, it doesnt work lol.

31-01-11, 21:17
also just stood atr my smoke alarms for two mins and didnt see the red light flicker. cant test them cause to high and up and everyone asleep :(

31-01-11, 21:19
Well what do you think it is hun?

31-01-11, 21:19
i looked again and saw it. now i can go to sleep my self but still worried about my wall :\

31-01-11, 21:20
i really dont know. im just thinking it will collaspe on me lol x