View Full Version : surgical spirits?

29-01-11, 20:13
was in the shower today washing my hair and water got in to my ear! anyhu 8 hours later my ear was still blocked! very uncomfortable and cud barely hear! its very sore now and throbbing inside feeling like a heart beat if u get me. so popped to the chemist and explained but he gave me surgical spirits?!!! its not working at all and im getting very frustrated. why didnt he give me ear drops grrrrr. anybody can help me out here??

29-01-11, 20:25
im getting so frsutrated!!!!! i tried everything :weep:

29-01-11, 20:26
Have you tried lieing on it ? When i,ve had this happen to me it usually comes out (any water) in the night . Not nice but it will give your lug hole a good clean untill it comes out .

29-01-11, 20:28
....or i,ve put a tissue in my ear aswell to draw out any fluid , like a wick effect , probably shouldn,t do it but it did work .

29-01-11, 20:30
i will give it until tmrw morning anyway and see. was hoping i wud have it unblocked before bed i just hate goin to bed with something bothering me! its a nuisance to say the least. i will lie on it tonight tho!

29-01-11, 20:31
ive tried the suction method aswel darn it anyway :mad: looks like something always wants to get at me lol

29-01-11, 20:44
We would make a lovely couple , you with your blocked ear and me with my mouth ulcer .:roflmao:

Have you also tried tilting your head to one side as far as it will go and putting a cotton bud very gently inside the ear , I know were NOT supposed to do this but this has also worked for me in the past, unfortuneately sometimes it just pops and the fluid comes out hours later . Also you could try gently blowing your nose .

I used to have blocked ears regulary before HA and foolishly used to dig in my ear with my locker key to clean them out (or so i thought) untill they started bleeding and ended up on anti biotecs for a few weeks . These days i tend to leave my ears well alone but i did used to enjoy a good dig , its a man thing :whistles:

29-01-11, 20:50
i will try the cotton bud now in a bit before bed, if it doesnt work ill resign my self to the fact that nothing is :mad: ill remain hopeful til the morning tho and then if still there i will seriously BLOW UP!!!! :lac: hahaha used to get mouth ulcers alot back in the summer!!! nasty nasty nasty things!!!! found i needed to take vit b and never got them since! :D

29-01-11, 20:57
Thanks for the vit b tip :yesyes:

Got some multi vits yesterday i,ll grab some vit b on monday . How long do they take to go mines seems worse my lip feels massive ..lol..

29-01-11, 21:02
ure welcome! :D mine took up to nine to ten days to clear. i hated them!!! i used to get mine on the roof of my mouth! big red things oh soooooooo soooooo sore! where is urs? on ure lip? oucheez! bonjella aswel seemed to ease the pain just before bed.

29-01-11, 21:17
Its on the inside of my lip near my lower teeth , red with the white dot in the middle , came up in an hour . I,ve had them before but many many years ago . I presume its the poor diet and eating nothing for two weeks except rubbish since starting on the citralapam , but i,m eating normal again now and feeling much better at last .

It does feel like when one thing dissapears something else comes alonf ..lol..

29-01-11, 21:32
stress can bring them on aswel dont u know. so relax now and take it easy before another one pops up! :D

29-01-11, 21:38
I,m chilling , i,m chilling :D

30-01-11, 16:49
:mad: so the blockage is still there!!!! the nurse rang me and i got some drops! have to wait 4 days then mite need them syringed :weep: and me jaw now is fecking killing me!! cant hear a thing! twice today my bf told me the tv was too loud and i CUD NOT hear my one year old crying lastnite ahhhhh!!!!! cant wait for this to be over with