View Full Version : Burning sensation in throat

29-01-11, 23:02
HI i haven`t been on here for a while i`ve been doing well, but think it may be creeping up on me again, i suffer from indigestion & take tablets for it but recently i am getting a burning sensation on the left side of my throat & its really scaring me, it seems to go into my jaw & it feels a little numb, don`t think its my heart as has been happening for 2 weeks so hopefully its not, not sure if its anxiety but it just come from no where and wasn`t stressed, feel as if i`m on the same old roller-coaster hopefully will be able to get off soon, does anyone else have this symptom of a burning throat. thanks and take care xx

29-01-11, 23:08
Sounds just the GORD, do antacids help?

29-01-11, 23:18
sounds like silent acid reflux buring your throat , is the side that is burning the side you lay on when you are sleeping ie acid irratateing your throat , is it worse in the morning ?

You could try takeing your meds at night ?