View Full Version : Anxiety, Loss of appetite and weight loss

30-01-11, 00:41
Hi everyone, please if you could provide me with tips on how I can increase my appetite and start gaining weight again. I am suffering from terrible anxiety at the moment due to a few issues that are going on in my life and in the last few days I have also become very scared of a neighbour who is very aggresive towards me - so my appetite has completely shut down and I can feel that I have lost weight as well. I am scared that I am going to waste away. I know that I need to deal with this anxiety and I am seeing a therapist but I just don't know what to do about this loss of appetite. Are there any vitamins or supplements that I can take? Please help me. Thank you.

30-01-11, 01:21
I know how hard it can be to eat when you are so anxious. I lost 20 pounds with the anxiety that I have. I have now gained my weight back, but it took many months and I also had to take some ativan. When I get really nervous my stomach gets upset and because I am afraid of throwing up, it was really hard to eat. I did eat small amounts frequently to get some nutrition and I tried to sip on milk shakes to add some calories. That is what helped me.

30-01-11, 02:13
high calories I guess and multivitamins.
I found hot chocolate, soups, milk, etc good.
just eat what you can, try and eat something every hour even if it's just a drink or a bite of food.
I'm still trying to gain my weight back, stress really stops me from feeling hungry, but you will get days where you feel hungry so try and eat as much as you can on those days.
do you know if your underweight?
I'm still ok but hate how my face looks, my nose actually looks big now due to the fat loss :-(

30-01-11, 06:52
Thanks Mishel and Jothenurse for your advice. I'm not underweight at this stage but it's only a matter of time that I will be if I don't start eating. I like pizza, so I'm going to order some and try and eat a few pieces. See how I go. Thanks again xx