View Full Version : HELP!!! can swollen gland make it painful to move ur neck?

30-01-11, 08:19
Hi doc said yesterday that I have a swollen gland in my neck, prob fighting off infection. I am worried though, its so painful to touch and I can't yawn it hurts too much! He said take painkillers. Is this normal with swollen glands? Really worried :(

30-01-11, 08:59
Where abouts in your neck is the pain?
I've been having pains in my neck, on the left hand side sort of running down the neck and also at the back so that if I tilt my head backwards it's painful. I've also been getting pain around the collarbone. I mentioned it to my GP last time I was there and he didn't even comment let alone check it out.

K xx

30-01-11, 09:08
Hi thanks for replying. The pain is exactly where ur gland is, the one that swells when not well. I can feel its swollen, so could doc. I have had it before when I've been ill,.but don't remember it being so sore!!

Yours sounds like it could be tension? Xx

30-01-11, 09:55
It is completely normal for it to be very painful and sometimes its not even possible to turn your head or move head when you have swollen gland/s in neck. Many years ago I got a severe sytemic gum infection where all my gums were covered in ulcers top and bottom and all my glands under jaw were huge and I could not move my head at all - I also had a raging temp and was very ill for a week but this was a specific disease of the gums and cleared up with antibiotics.

30-01-11, 10:25
Hi thanks for replying, I feel reassured now. I am sure it is just a virus. It's strange because Im not aching or got a fever. Just my glands. Fingers crossed it clears soon because its painful! X

30-01-11, 10:34
Hi there
I have exact same thing at the moment. I have a gland on the right side of my neck that always seems to swell up and aches when I am a bit run down and it hurts when I press it of move my neck from side to side. It generally swells up and hurts once every few months when I've not been getting enough sleep or am stressed, no other symptoms.

As someone once said to me on this site - "...had the problem for years and I'm still here" - that gave me alot of comfort and helped my anxiety so I hope it helps you too.

Just look after yourself for a few days, get lots of rest and good food and I bet you find it goes down and stops hurting.

Best regards


30-01-11, 10:46
Aww thanks......I do feel run down. I had terrible sleep lastnight with my little one getting up, and hubby was restless. Not gonna do much today, try and chill out! Thanks for taking time to reply, I do appreciate it xx

30-01-11, 12:28
Aww thanks......I do feel run down. I had terrible sleep lastnight with my little one getting up, and hubby was restless. Not gonna do much today, try and chill out! Thanks for taking time to reply, I do appreciate it xx