View Full Version : Feel like cant breath

anx mum
30-01-11, 13:53
:weep: sorry for another post really am at my wits end feel awful like im not getting enough air also getting chest pain feel really scared and on edge my hubby just took me 2 walk in clinic they did ecg. Ecg come bk normal but scared of a bloodclot.

30-01-11, 14:11
If you have already been to the doctor then you are fine. This is anxiety and at least part of you knows it. I struggle with so many things so often that I know they are anxiety but I can't stop myself from freaking out. In any one day I will cycle through fears about a dozen different things and truly fear I have them and think that "this time is for real". I don't have an answer but I feel your pain. Good luck.

30-01-11, 14:25
I really do know how you feel, I have suffered with this as well. Please know that you will always get enough breath. It is the fear that is feuling it. For me I had to tell myself 'Oh here we go again, whatever, I'm going to try and ignore you'. This may seem impossible but believe me if you TRULY make yourself believe it, it will gradually subside. I also found that sucking potters cold pastilles were a great help, for really unblocking the airways.

anx mum
30-01-11, 14:31
I really do know how you feel, I have suffered with this as well. Please know that you will always get enough breath. It is the fear that is feuling it. For me I had to tell myself 'Oh here we go again, whatever, I'm going to try and ignore you'. This may seem impossible but believe me if you TRULY make yourself believe it, it will gradually subside. I also found that sucking potters cold pastilles were a great help, for really unblocking the airways.

Did u get a suffocatting feeling? feels like gonna stop breathing. sats r normal just so scared

30-01-11, 14:34
yes all the time, I know exactly where your coming from, had it day and night. I promise you will not stop breathing. My doctor told me that it's physchosomatic, in other words there is nothing medically wrong, it is just the fear in our minds that makes it happen. I found that if I sat down and got engrossed in something like a crossword it can help to lessen it slightly, please remember it's because you are soo scared that it is still there.

anx mum
30-01-11, 14:38
yes all the time, I know exactly where your coming from, had it day and night. I promise you will not stop breathing. My doctor told me that it's physchosomatic, in other words there is nothing medically wrong, it is just the fear in our minds that makes it happen. I found that if I sat down and got engrossed in something like a crossword it can help to lessen it slightly, please remember it's because you are soo scared that it is still there.

did u get chest pain aswell? How long did it last for u?

30-01-11, 14:42
yes i did, and coupled with the fact that my dad died 18 months ago of a sudden heart attack i think is what caused all this to happen. Mine lasted on and off for a few weeks. even now, it can easily creep back if I think about it too much, but i remember to tell myself that it's nothing to be scared of and it will pass. trust me you have to BELIEVE this though. Do you like reading, maybe a good book or try to watch a film, you need something to disctract you thinking about it.

anx mum
30-01-11, 14:47
yes i did, and coupled with the fact that my dad died 18 months ago of a sudden heart attack i think is what caused all this to happen. Mine lasted on and off for a few weeks. even now, it can easily creep back if I think about it too much, but i remember to tell myself that it's nothing to be scared of and it will pass. trust me you have to BELIEVE this though. Do you like reading, maybe a good book or try to watch a film, you need something to disctract you thinking about it.

Finding it really hard to watch things i used to. Chest pain is scaring me my ecg was ok but still worried but blood clot

30-01-11, 14:57
Have a trip out with hubby and go down blockbusters, try and rent a comedy or something, I bet you'll be glad you did. Take care, you will be fine, and I'm certain you do not have a blood clot.

anx mum
30-01-11, 15:03
Have a trip out with hubby and go down blockbusters, try and rent a comedy or something, I bet you'll be glad you did. Take care, you will be fine, and I'm certain you do not have a blood clot.

how do u know its not clot hun?

30-01-11, 15:09

I've put the post about chronic hyperventilation syndrome in the "symptoms" forum.
Please read it and please beleive it - it is not a clot, it is anxiety.

anx mum
30-01-11, 15:19

I've put the post about chronic hyperventilation syndrome in the "symptoms" forum.
Please read it and please beleive it - it is not a clot, it is anxiety.

Thanks judy im so scared with this breathing thing really dont understand it could do with reading this book.