View Full Version : Some complaining about GETTING therapy

30-01-11, 18:12
So, I have had an appointment for February 9th 2011 for months and months now. Recently, my doctor called them up and asked them to make the appointment much sooner because I was a "high risk" and "urgent" case... she also put my name into another clinic that should be easier to get into under the same category.

Then I get a phone call from the first clinic that they will not be moving my appointment up. Hours later they call back again and say that they can no longer even keep my Feb. 9th appointment and that they would be changing it to the 23rd of February!!! AND THEN, the other clinic calls and said there is no point in making an appointment because they wouldn't be able to get me in until after the 23rd anyways.

People say there is help in the world... I'm beginning to think they're the ones who are crazy.
