View Full Version : Supposed to be going abroad in May

30-01-11, 18:20
Hi everyone, got a family holiday booked for May. obviously i don't have to go but i would hate to miss it as the rest of my family would still go. and i would love to go somewhere sunny! Anyway, meant to be going Portugal but i have rarely stayed away from home at all in the last year and a half as that is when i feel most anxious. Been a lot better since starting new meds a couple months ago (sertraline) and the thought of it scares me half as much as it would of done last year.
Still, i don't know if i can. The thought of the plane is terrifying, being stuck on it for 2 hours. With no escape if something was to happen (i know it probably won't)
And also if i do make it there, i could easily get into a bad state all week with no way home.
Anyone been in a similar situation? Or any advice would be great. I really really don't want to miss out. And i also don't want to be home alone for a week, as that scares me hahaha.
I'm 18 btw, and when i go for nights out etc drinking helps a lot however the day after my anxiety is 10x worse an sometime i don't even leave my room, so i really really wouldn't want to drink on the holiday (or before to get me on plane) but i know i will be so tempted and i'm not sure how to go about that either.
Thanks for any advice at all! :)

30-01-11, 20:12
hi I can certainly relate to feeling like that going away is a stressful time for most people with anxiety problems. I can't really give any advice without knowing your specific problems, for example some people use a sedative for the plane that you get from the Doctor, but I'd find that would cause me additional anxiety cos I get anxious taking new medications but if you don't mind then maybe you could ask your Doctor about that if you're very anxious before the plane journey.
If you've only been on your medication for a couple of months it could still help even more so you may be feeling even less anxious in May.
I've been to Cyprus twice since having anxiety and while there are moments when it is very uncomfortable, I have had a lovely time too. The waiting around is extremely hard for me so I think my most hard times were the travelling days, during those times I took my mp3 player, a good book, walked around the airport, did some breathing exercises so yes I had the anxious times when I was at the airport thinking to myself 'arrrrghhh this is awful I don't know if I can do it' but then sitting on my balcony with a cocktail while watching the sunset was very very enjoyable so the anxiety was worth it :)
I think that it's a really sensible thing not to drink, some might say 'have some dutch courage' but like you say the afteraffects are far worse than the temporary relief that alcohol brings.
I'm sure you'll do great!

01-02-11, 16:18
i can 100% relate to this but i think youll be ok in portugal and ill explain why. the last 3 times ive been on holiday where to thailand, las vegas and barcelona, and when i was in thailand and VG i well and truely f**ked up but in barcelona i was fine, and it really bothered me why i was ok in barcelona and not the other 2 then i realised it was the time difference, lack of sleep as u prob know really makes ur anxiety worse and portugal i think is only an hour or so different. and as for the plane i also have that fear too and this isnt probably the best advice and im sure ill get told off for saying it but personally id get wasted, its only 2 hours just keep drinking and itll fly by ! i think u shud go, especialy if its with ur family youll feel a lot safer with them than mates, hope this helps, add me on msn if u wanna chat more boo3062003@yahoo.co.uk x

24-02-11, 19:34
thanks for the replys, sorry it's taken me so long i haven't had the laptop i will reply properly later :) x

24-02-11, 20:01
Hi Lucyy 21,
I can certainly relate....as I was feeling exactly the same last year! My husband, 5 yr old daughter and I had a trip booked to Argentina (14 hr flight from Australia!)
I had not travelled much in the past except for domestic flights, which were 1 and half hours at the most! I got myself so worked up before leaving...partly due to the fact that I was leaving my 2 sons behind with my parents for 3 weeks. I was petrified of flying and I too, thought what if something goes wrong...if the plane goes down...my boys will be without a mum...etc...you know what its like...its a vicious circle when we start with all these thoughts. Anyway, 4 days before we left, I started taking my meds again (sertraline....had been off them for about 2 years). I knew they wouldn't work straight away, but I had no choice. To make matters worse...the day before we left I got sick...a virus or something...so things were not looking good! My gp prescribed me some antibiotics....so off I went all stocked up with my antibiotics, paracetamol, sertraline and xanax! When we got to the aiport...I had to take half a xanax...just to calm me a little and felt heaps better within a few minutes. Got on the plane and was suprised at how calm I was. I also had a couple of drinks on the plane which helped calm me a little more.
Anyway, to cut a long story short...I survived the trip and the holiday and had a great time! The first week was alittle bad, but only due to the fact that I was having all the horrible side effects of the meds, but i would just take some xanax and away we would go!
This year, in June, we are off to Greece for 2 months! This time, my sons are coming with us as well as my parents, so I feel a little better about that. My husband, however is only staying for 3 and a half weeks and will then return, so the thought of me being there with the 3 kids, without my husband is a little daunting...but again..I will have my parents support and that of all my relatives. This time I have started taking my meds well in advance...only afew weeks ago, so I know I will be ok with the flight, and will take my xanax with me...just in case!
I've waited almsot 30 years to get back to Greece to see all my uncles/aunties and cousins....and I'm not going to let my anxiety ruin it for me!
You will be ok Lucyy.....just think of all the fun you are going to have....and the fact that you are on meds will help. Don't let your anxiety ruin a holiday for you....go and have fun!
Good Luck
P.S. Sorry for the long post!

24-02-11, 21:00
wel ive only been abroad once which was portugal last october,and i was freakin out.when i got at the air port 'i had a big panick attack(i think becos i didnt sleep and early morn flight) but once i was on the plane i was ok,and you know what i was proud that i did it and that i was ok in the end.you may panick but it will pass so just keep focused.:winks: