View Full Version : Cant deal with stress

30-01-11, 20:24
Having probes managing my stress :( bit of history about me, i am a really shy person, have no mates, battled through agrophobia but still have my bad days, still don't go out much but much better than I was, just can't seem to be able to deal with my stress lately - get panic attacks, feel shaky etc

Last year was pretty bad as we booked a hol to America and had less than a year to plan and save for it, I got so worked up over it that I got really I'll while on hold, whole 2 weeks I spent ill in bed, i am positive stress was one if the factors

Now I'm planning our next hol and already can't deal with the stress, don't know how to make it better, my diet isn't great although I take daily vitamins plus find doing exercises hard, normally have to force myself just to go out walks, any advice would be great, thanks

31-01-11, 08:16
Im the same with stress. Ive had a bad night cos my car keeps playing up (the clutch went in the middle of a busy road and I had to bale out with my two year old just before xmas) and yesterday it didnt start straight away so Im now back on to stressing about going anywhere in it and paying out again on repair bills when we have to be careful with money now that I dont work full time. I hate feeling like it and I know what you mean..I make myself ill keep worrying about things. I wish I was like other people sometimes that just accept things and get on with it..its only a bloomin car after all!!

Take care