View Full Version : Constant health worries

30-03-06, 03:01
Hello guys. I'm new to the forum and I'm so glad I found this site.

Let me describe my situation as briefly as I can.

6 months ago I had a scare that I had been infected with HIV. I know now that I did not contract HIV, but the stress placed on me in these months has manifested itself in several ways..

- I have high blood pressure and am on BP medication
- I have been placed on anti-depressants
- I now worry constantly about my health. Every little bump, bruise, ache, and pain convinces me that I have some deadly incurable disease
- I feel light-headed and dizzy at times during the day
- My arms, legs, etc twitch often, typically when I am relaxing on the bed or couch
- Mornings are typically tougher on me than evenings, but I have my bad moments throughout the day, too.

Anyway, the point of my post is this; I just wanted to get some input or advice from you guys on my situation. I am in a constant state of fear and anxiety, and I'm beginning to think that I will never get better.

Anyone with ideas/advice/input?
Thanks everyone

30-03-06, 03:56
iam in the same boat as you i went threw the faze of hiv six years ago!!to scared to get tested now i have started up again six years later i think i have end stage liver dease even with all test coming back normal!!But i do get the sypmtoms as you do!!when the worry goes on for long periods of time its not good it can really make you ill i have suffer from health axiety for some time it has effecected my bowells now causing me to get ibs and like you iam just fine at night that is when your body starts to slow down for the night thats why you fill better iam pretty sick in the mornings as you and get better as the day goes on!!

30-03-06, 09:34
I have been through all that. I am feeling a bit better about the health issues lately but I know exactly how you are feeling. As for the symptoms you are having be assured that it is anxiety causing them.

I get the dizzyness etc and also every little pain, bump or bruise has got to be something serious with me. I am starting to run up quite a list of medical tests that I have had, all of which turned out to be nothing. I am also worse in the mornings.

Have a good look around the Health Anxiety postings and you will see that you are not alone in your fears. I have just read a book which was recommended to me by one of the other members called "Its Not All In Your Head" by Gordon JG Asmundson and Steven Taylor (basically about worrying about health issues and what you can do about it) and it is very good. It helps to put things into perspective.

Anyway, its great that you have found this site. It has certainly helped me.

30-03-06, 11:26
Hi scfan and welcome to the site, you have come to the right place :D

I am the same as you when it comes to health worries, I worry constantly that every thing wrong with me is attributed to some incurable deadly disease. I have been to my GP this morning about a health issue and am spending the day now worried it is something worse, I can't shake it off, I also mentioned to her that I feel constantly anxious about everything and basically she wasn't much help, just told me to concentrate on my breathing retraining which I'm having for hyperventilatoin and that the only option is beta blockers which she doesn't want to do cos I'm too young (37).

Sorry I don't have the answer as I'm in the same boat as you but I can offer support :)

Blue Child
30-03-06, 15:06
Hi Scfan...snap know how you feel and it is incredibly difficult. I have given in going to the doctors now, as my body likes to spend time there...however, I do not. It is wearing for me, as I worry about my health all the time, and I know that the stress is pulling me apart, but I know I am now in a vicious circle. I found my doctor to be of little help and now feel that that is not the correct path for me to take. Thinking about alternative therapy, exercise, yoga etc. All I know is the only way is up....I hope.
Take care,
Blue Child

30-03-06, 16:59
Hi scfan and welcome to the site!

I went through the same thing - it's how my generalised anxiety started although I know know I had underlying depression too. I had lots of health problems last year (all of which turned out to be stress-related). During that time, and having Googled for just about every known disease, I had racked up a list of about 15 ailments I was convinced I must have (ridiculous looking at it now). During a diagnostic procedure at the hospital, I had my first panic attack and from then on I have been battling with generalised anxiety/depression. However, I no longer suffer from Health Anxiety since a) I found this site, b) I learnt about anxiety and how it works, c) I fully accepted that I am not going to die imminently and that this was stress and anxiety making me oversensitive, and d) I made some long-overdue changes in my life.

In my case, this whole thing has been about me being unhappy with certain aspects of my life. I soldiered on when I should have made changes. I waited until I had the physical symptoms of stress before acting. Mentally, I thought I was invincible before - know I know that I am not and have to look after my whole self better.

I'm on the mend, but do fully appreciate how acute health anxiety can be and how all-consuming it is. You need to have more faith in your body - it's an awesome machine really - and have a look at areas of your life which might need a review!

In the meantime, keep on posting when you need to - the support on here is great.

Eeb x

30-03-06, 19:19
Hi Scfan

Welcome to the forum.

You might find the following information helpful:

First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps)

Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms)

Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=healthanxiety)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

30-03-06, 21:57
Thanks guys. It feels good to know there's some support out there. I've been dizzy most of the afternoon, and have had a headache in the back of my head. Of course I immediately think its a brain tumor or something...