View Full Version : Feeling depersonalized fro breif seconds which bring on panic attack....help!!

bea baker
30-01-11, 21:52
hi guys and girlies, i am new to this forum, i am amazed at what i have read and researched here as i thought that i was going insane and had something seriously wrong with my brain ( i do still feel this way when panic peaks) but i am rational at the moment.

I to have suffered from panic for some yrs now (since aged 13), i am from a very anxious natured family anyhow and have witnessed things as a child that no child should really see or experience but however putting all that aside i can see where my panic comes from and am well aware of that but what i need to find out is how to cope and lead my life as normal as i can for me, my kiddies and my hubby...

on a daily basis my symptoms are:

1. feeling spaced out/floaty/dreamlike
2. really unable to concentrate ot take part in conversations
3. shaley/sweaty/hot flushed
4. dizzy/ faint
5. EXTREME worry about death and leaving loved ones behind, or of some impending doom about to take place and for someone in my family to die (even my kids)
6. feelin inside myself and very aware of noise
7. looking at objects around the house and thinking how dangerous they are.
8. constantly looking , listening in and waiting for panic and dp symptomsand any other random symptoms (very health aware, lie if i have a headache i have ultimately got an untreatable brain tumour)
9. negative black and white thinking patterns.

So, now we have established that i feel and come across as complete weirdo with very low confidence and no trust in my own judgement and abilities....HOW do i fix all this other than waiting for time to pass and fr it to become a way of life and routine??

I dont want to live this way forever, i want to enjoy my children while they are still young and devote more tie to my hubby instead of being wrapped up in my ow thoughts, symptoms, body etc...

HELP, i dont want meds.... what next?

One last thing to closeon...does anyone else get dp and get oversensitive hearing when this feeling comes on (they go hand in hand with me and i find thi the hardest symptom and feeling to deal with cos its such a swift onset and ten panic strikes immediately following this)