View Full Version : How do I ever know?

30-01-11, 22:26
Hello, I'm new here.

I'm a 24 year old unemployed male graduate living with my perents.

I am overweight, and fairly sedentary.

I have Cerebral Palsy mainly effecting my right leg which makes it hard for me to get much exercise.

A few weeks before Christmas I stated haveing weird sensations in my chest. I was up late. I had a few days ago been up all night infact.

These weird tight panicky sensations kept me up all night, until I started experianceing chest pain that realy rather hurt. So I eventually woke my perents and eventually called an Ambulance fearing the worst.

After a fun night in the Hospital following a Chest Xray, ECG and a few blood tests they said "Meh, probably Musculoskelital chest pain, off you go with pain killers"

Few days later I went to the GP who couldent find anything much wrong and suggested it might be Anxiety. Now, I honestly cant think of anything I was Anxious about aside from my health so... I dont know how it could have started...

Anyway, then I went on to have the flu over christmas and assumed my chest pains were just part of that. Well, now the Flu has gone and my chest still hurts... so I have made another doctors apointment for thursday.

My chest hurts on the right hand side mainly, though it sometimes swaps to the left. I also have trouble sleeping and occasionaly get indigestion type feelings at night.

The pain in my chest seems to be... near the surface.. like its in the chest fat or something...

Anyway... I keep trying to tell myself its probably nothing too urgent.. I just need to relax and go to the doctor and listen to them.

But... I have been Googleing my symptoms and... if it wasent Anxity related to begin with... Theres now clearly an anxity element so...

I dont know, does this sound like anxity to you, can it cause real top of chest pain? How much should I be conserned that I need to go demand more tests andwhatnot.

31-01-11, 00:45
Yes, it does sound like anxiety, especially since they have checked you over and everything has turned up normal. When you are tense/worried, your muscles can tighten up and get sore. I know sometimes when I am stressed, my chest muscles hurt if I touch them. See what the doctor has to say at your next visit, but it sounds like anxiety.

31-01-11, 15:30
I dont know, does this sound like anxity to you, can it cause real top of chest pain? How much should I be conserned that I need to go demand more tests andwhatnot.
The thing is you've had most of the tests already, as far as I know (and I'm not medically trained btw) the next step would be an echocardiogram, which is a CT scan of the heart, and/or an angiogram. They only put you forward for those if there's a chance there really is something wrong, so try to concentrate on the fact that your treating doctors didn't think it was necessary. The ECG you had should have picked up any abnormalities if you were experiencing the chest pain at the time it was done.

One thing I find comforting is the fact that chest pain associated with your heart is quite rare at rest, it's more common for it to happen when you've been exercising, if it's cardiac.

Having said all that, I think you're right to go back to your doctor if you're still concerned about your symptoms, that's what they're there for after all. Maybe post back here after your appointment about what happened if you feel like it.