View Full Version : Starting a detox today......will that help anxiety attacks

31-01-11, 06:42
HI all, I have been tossing and turning all night again....sweats, heart pounding, repetitive noises in my head.......im pretty sure its because i over indulged at the weekend. I know i shouldnt as it happens everytime now. Could i end up doing permanent mental damage? i mean i obviously have a fragile mind anyway with the HA.....:-( It's just it gets to the weekend and i convince myself ill be ok, and then once its finished im left panicking my butt off.
I am going to give up indulging for just a month first and see how i get on.....Does anyone have any tips for not breaking? I really want to do this.....for my sanity if nothing else xxx help me please, i dont think i can do it on my own:shrug:

31-01-11, 08:52

Anxiety Jim
31-01-11, 10:22
I had the complete opposite happen to me when I first started to suffer from HA, as soon as I had the first few attacks (all within the space of a week) I didn't touch alcohol at all, I haven't had any for nearly 3 years now, except for 1/2 a glass of champagne at a friends wedding, the thought of alcohol terrified me that if I had a panic attack I'd completely loose control.

I think it would be beneficial to stop the alcohol it might give your body more of a stable state, i.e. it's pretty much working the same all through the week, instead of being drink free for a few days then alcohol for a few etc, it might give you more stability. But it's just an opinion, I have no medical knowledge what so ever.


31-01-11, 11:01
Hi Jim, Many thanks for your message.
I will definitely not be touching anything for a very long time, if ever!! Like I said, I just kind of convinced myself i'd be ok.....!! Obviously not:-(

Thanks again

Stephie x