View Full Version : Advice on speaking to GP about "down there"

Anxiety Jim
31-01-11, 09:18

I posted a thread the other day about a lump I found down there, but this isn't the reason for this post, I plan to see the Dr later and I have no idea how to say it.

I can see myself going in there and not being able say anything at all!

Has anyone had to do this? What should I say? I'm so worried that when my name is called out I'll just get up and run away!


31-01-11, 10:06
Please don't feel embarrased, put it this way would you feel embarrsed about going to the grocer and asking for a kilo of potatoes, no well things like this are a Docs potatoes, take a deep breath and just say I have a lump on my genital area, and take it from there. Good luck deep breath and please dont back out x

31-01-11, 10:25
Doctors see an awful lot of weird and wonderful diseases all over the body, so I doubt anything you could show them would shock them! They've seen it all before. Just be brave and do it :D

31-01-11, 11:01
If you really really think you will bottle out and concoct some other non symptom at the last minute then you could write down whats wrong and just say to the Dr " I am so embarrased I can't even tell you whats wrong" and hand over the note and they should then reassure you that they have seen it all before. Good luck

Anxiety Jim
31-01-11, 14:58
I survived!

It was an open surgery at the doctors so I didn't know who I was seeing, I was waiting for about an hour and then the female Dr came out and called my name, a million swear words went through my head. I went into her office and managed to say the problem, with quite a few stutters in there, and she asked if I would rather see a male Dr I promptly said yes, went back into the waiting room for about 10 minutes and then the male Dr called me in and I had to go through telling him the problem.

So I had to explain the problem twice within a few minutes!

After I'd said it to the male Dr he just said 'OK, if you could go behind the curtains... blah blah blah'. I'm not sure what else I would have expected him to say, but it sure was relieving to get it over and done with, and I'm sure if there's a next time I won't be embarrassed.

So for any guys listening JUST DO IT, you make it 100x worse in your head, and when you're actually there it absolutely fine!


31-01-11, 16:40
well done ,,next time will be so much easier,,the first time i went to the doctors about a lump on my boob,,id never undressed in front of anyone else but hubby,,i was a mess,, but 5 years on and having had specialists,,so many doctors and radiographers seeing me in all my glory,,,i now just bare all without a thought,,and as has been said thet really dont bat an eyelid,,

31-01-11, 17:13
Well done!

Best thing to do is just blurt it straight out - whatever it is, you can guarantee that they will have seen it (and worse) before.

31-01-11, 17:19
I can appreciate how this could be difficult but as said above all doctors, male and female spend their days examining breasts, ladies ‘front bottoms’:blush: mens bits and bobs including sticking fingers where fingers are not normally welcome and it is all in a day’s work for them. I have been intimately examined by a female doctor and can’t say it was an issue neither for her or me. :)

31-01-11, 17:30
What did he say about your plums Jim , i trust everything was ok :yesyes:

Anxiety Jim
01-02-11, 03:58
What did he say about your plums Jim , i trust everything was ok :yesyes:

Yeah the Dr said everything was fine, he said it feels like an epididymis cyst, and that everything else feels normal. And he even drew me a little picture to explain everything. YAY!

01-02-11, 04:14
did you get to keep the picture :yesyes:

01-02-11, 08:43

01-02-11, 10:09
If this helps anyone or not!! I have a friend who is a GP - I don't see him often only about once a year but we used to be close and once he was telling me about stitching someones head up ( reason he was late) and I said urghhhh etc and then asked him how he could do his job with all the bodies he sees and he said two things - he literally has work mode in his brain and only sees the medical problem but he said only time he cringes is with hairy arxxd men who he has to examine and they have "dangly bits" hanging off the hairs:blush: and he also said every now and again he will get a young women with big boobs who he has to examine and for a split second he said he will think " oh nice boobs" but then he is instantly back in work mode. He is in his 50's and has been a GP all his working life so doing it a long time. Its good to know they really are almost impervious to whatever they see!

01-02-11, 17:54
:D @ your friend countrygirl - I must admit I was in A&E at the weekend with a UTI - when the doctor walked in I did think "oh she looks familiar" but never thought more of it; until she decided to check I didn't have more of a "lady's infection" .. Had me up on the couch, doing her thing and suddenly I realised I'd met her before, but where? Looked up at her, and said "I've met you before but I can't remember where?" ... "Church. I sit opposite you..." came the reply. I was mortified - sudden flashback of seeing her sitting in the aisle opposite with her children/husband - and presumably she felt the same way, as she proceeded to ask me the same question several times: "Are you enjoying your degree, what degree are you doing... So you're enjoying your degree.. Well it's good that you enjoy it...!" :roflmao:There's someone to avoid in Church!