View Full Version : Just joined - hello!

james harman
31-01-11, 11:01
Hi all,

never done this before - though never felt this bad either before.
never even been on a forum!

To sum me up -- 2 small boys with me 4 days a week - job which i seem to be struggling with - just upped citaopram to 40 mg from today and Drifting from day to day! Never taken any drugs like this in my life - not even sure if they work as can be reasonably ok one hour and the next rock bottom
Any who - I live in Sheffield and have lived in North Wales, London and Manchester. Thats it....bye:whistles::unsure:

31-01-11, 11:03
Hi james harman

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

31-01-11, 11:51
Welcome to NMP.. :welcome:

Hope you find advice, friends and information.


31-01-11, 11:56
Hi James,

Hope you find this site useful. :welcome:


31-01-11, 13:46
Hi James. Here to help each other if you need. Just keep chatting. How long have you been on the cit?

Kindest Regards Ian.

Vanilla Sky
31-01-11, 21:22
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

31-01-11, 22:40
Hey mate,
Welcome! im new here too. Like me i hope you post alot and get lots of helpful advice and support.
