View Full Version : feel heart beating in fingers

31-01-11, 11:42
Hi I suffer from bad health anxiety and the past few evenings i have noticed that i can feel my heart beat in my fingers. I try and read before i go to sleep and i could feel the heart beat on the book. I try and keep fit and go to the gym 4 times a week but i am worried that it is something wrong with my heart. My heart wasnt beating fast just normal.
Please help

31-01-11, 11:53
I hold onto the headboard railngs before I go to sleep and usually feel my pulse in my hands/fingers quite strongly!

It's normal cuz I remember my dad mentioning he felt it in his hand one time and I remember him saying it cuz I'm obsessed with my heart lol. Think it's just a pulse point to be honest! x

31-01-11, 18:55
I get that all the time, mainly when I'm touching something, or if my hands is flat on a table.

31-01-11, 20:40
Just a thought but I had these symptoms very strongly when I was anaemic. Worth having your blood tested and see if upping your iron intake helps.

02-02-11, 14:31
Please any advice, do you think I would be silly going to the doctors?
I am worried it is something worng with my heart.
Or could it be anxiety?

04-02-11, 10:16
It's worth going to see your GP if this is causing you a lot of distress, he would be able to put your mind at rest a lot more than we can cuz we can only speculate and share our experiences with you. I don't think it's silly, our doctors are there to help. It would help to mention your anxiety to him too and see what options are available to you. :)

It definatley could be anxiety making your pulse more obvious to you though, I've noticed all kinds of dodgy things since my anx, including pulse in my fingers. xx