View Full Version : Valerian

31-01-11, 13:02
as posted before, Doc gave me Naproxen for arthritic changes in the neck, which were poss causing my occular migraines, been on them a week now, and so far no more occular migraine, but still get head, neck & shoulder pains (going to see a chiropractor on friday), the thing is stupidly that I am so fearful of these occular migraines, that every little visual disturbance that I get (even to imagining that I see zig zag lines) my stomach sinks thinking that it is starting again, and this feeds the feeling sick etc,does anyone know if I can take Valerian tabs just to keep me a bit calmer, whilst on naproxen, and I also take 30mg propranolol a day.
Thanks any advice welcome

31-01-11, 18:40
Unless you see a qualified medical herbalist then its is not safe to mix prescription drugs with herbal ones. Valerian is a sedative and might react with other drugs - if you read about st johns wort there is a whole list of pharmacutical drugs that if mixed with it can cause severe side effects.

I am not against herbal drugs at all I have used then alot in the past but always under the guidance of a medical herbalist which is where I have learnt about all the interactions.

You could see what info the internet throws up if you google drug interactions between the pharmacutical drug and valerian but of course you do not know how accurate the info is on the internet.