View Full Version : is it me?

31-01-11, 14:11
Hi all

:weep:feeling abit down today due to the fact that people have been coming into the office and having a go at me for no reason!

One came in - he was due to meet my boss but my boss was called out urgent and this guy didnt like it at all. Told me its my fault, Why cant get I fill out this form, Hes spent £10 on taxis just to seee him and this happens, why cant I do this and why cant I do that.


So somehow its MY FAULT for this to happen but I dont know why!




31-01-11, 15:00
No matter what the scenario, no matter what's been going on and what people have thrown at you, it only gets to you and has the power to give you a hard time if you buy into the accusation or criticism, and actually feel responsible for it. And this is something you don't have to do, but you actually have a choice whether or not you feel categorically guilty for whatever is happening to other people.

Concerning said incident, why would it be your fault if your boss is being called out urgently? Unfortunate as it is for the person who had an appointment with your boss, I can't see what's that got to do with you?

So, don't make yourself feel responsible when you're not and stop giving yourself a hard time. There are such things as boundaries, and I'd suggest you put some of them up every now and again. This is vitally important, and not just in terms of self-preservation. Be kind to yourself! :)

31-01-11, 19:14
Awwwww Nikk what a meany. It's not your fault. I hope your boss is going to have a word to him about his behavior.

Either that or let me at him :mad:

Big hugs sweety
Love Lisa

01-02-11, 09:08
This is what is known as "shoot the messenger" syndrome. The people that let off steam at the nearest person are doing it because they want to shout at the person they aren't able to get at - but it doesn't help it being distressing.