View Full Version : bit of an update on me!

31-01-11, 16:03
Hi every one :hugs:

Just thought I would keep you all updated on my progress, as it helps me too and some of you might want to read it!

So this week I had the dentist emergency that I posted about... I was completely nervous beforehand but as soon as I got there and explained my fears I felt like I could handle the situation - the expectation was DEFINITELY worse. I am taking my antibiotics with no worries :smile:

I've been getting on well with my CBT - but I mostly use the sessions as a sort of fortnightly review, where we discuss what I have done in my own time. I feel like all of the tools I have been shown in these times are so so valuable - but I am almost feel as though I know what I need to do now, and I almost feel like I don't need to keep the sessions going. My therapist changes his contract at the end of March so I only have 2 sessions left before I would have to be referred to somebody else possibly -- so I think I may just carry on with the support of my boyfriend who is an absolute gem!

I'm getting a lot braver. Yesterday, I went for another meal! In a completely new restaurant. We went out for lunch, and sat by the window looking out on the canal. It was lovely. I've discovered it's a great idea when I do something like that to make sure I don't eat brekkie - I was RAVENOUS yesterday which I think helped a lot... I finished off my whole meal and managed a drink too (I've been funny about cutlery, glasses etc in the past)...

Then we went for a little walk, and this sounds silly to most people but we bought some jelly snake sweets, ones I had never had before - they had apple juice and paprika in as flavourings - both BIG fears, and I ate them! Not in a safe place, not at home, but out and about walking around... and they were yummy!

As i mentioned in another thread I'm starting some volunteering. I've got my first meeting next week to sit on an events committee for a charity. I work full time at the moment but I think I feel very unfulfilled in my job and I'm hoping some volunteering will build up my CV and expose me to more things I want to do. I'm really excited about it :biggrin:

So yeh, step by step I'm starting to build up my hard work and progress. I find documenting the things I have done really helps. It's about feeling that fear and doing it anyway... everything every one has always told me.. then you start to do it and think ohhh yeah, i get it!!

Thanks for reading this far if you've got this far!! My boyfriend and I are moving in together in 2 weeks and I actually can't wait. Having my first proper home (renting a flat from my parents so we can make it our own) in 5 years... I am so excited!!!!!! :yahoo:

Hope everybody is well and dandy...

Lots of love
Amber xx :flowers:

Vanilla Sky
31-01-11, 21:20
Amber , You are doing amazing , I'm sooooo proud of you :hugs::hugs:

Mummy Paige lol xxxxxxx

01-02-11, 17:30
Haha oh ally you make me laugh - how are you enjoying being back at work??? I will keep you posted on the hat situation :winks: maybe one step at a time don't make me hyperventalite!!! I know completely what you mean about the meal thing... this is why it was such a big achievement for me to not only eat out but to eat somewhere completely new... i put complete trust in it and just tried to relax and go with it, and once i had started eating i wasn't too bad...:yesyes: thanks for all your kind words as usual, you're a gem you are!! :hugs:

thanks mummy :hugs:i gotta admit i'm feeling pretty proud of myself too... you know you're my big inspiration :flowers: xxx

01-02-11, 17:43
Well done to you!!!!!! I too have found the cbt excellent ... I have a brilliant therapist and, very slowly, it's beginning to fit into place. Still managing to eat peanuts (one of my fears!) but haven't yet moved onto other nuts. But it's a step in the right direction. And I went to the dentist on Monday and even had an injection without thinking I would react! Off to yoga now (a new hobby). I hope you continue to progress, don't be hard on yourself if you slip up sometimes (we are only human!) and I hope everything goes well with the boyfriend. It's been lovely reading your positive post. x

Hazel B
01-02-11, 21:36
Well done you!!:yesyes:

01-02-11, 21:49
Well done you, the dentist, jelly snakes, eating out and moving out !! Wow, you don't do things by halves !!
It is really good to read positive threads......I've had a bad day, so it helps to hear others are doing well.....it spurs me on. Take Care

sarah jayne
02-02-11, 11:20
well done xxx

02-02-11, 17:11
Thank you every body :hugs:

02-02-11, 17:12
And yes... realising it's all about being human... every body has bad days... they make the good ones even better :D

02-02-11, 20:20
Well Done!
It sounds like you are doing really well. So pleased for you.:hugs::flowers:

06-02-11, 21:22
I am so glad to read this!! It gives me great hope. Which I certainly need right now. I haven't went to church in months do to my anxiety. Finally went today and it was great! Well until communion when I wasn't thinking and drank grape juice!!!! Ugh. Now that happened exactly 3 hours and 2 minutes ago and here I sit still a little freaked out about having a reaction! What a mess I am- it was only a thimble full of grape juice. I can't even drink grape juice! I have been drinking water and sprite since this dang fear of food allergies began in December. I am sick of water and sprite!!! I wish I would get over this irrational fear of mine. Some days I just don't care and try something and others I am almost so paralyzed by the fear that I don't want to eat what I know are my safe foods.

08-02-11, 16:02
thanks Poppy :hugs:

hi anx2005... sorry to hear you were panicking yesterday.. i'm similar with drinks, i only drink water, tea and beer or vodka on a night out! at the weekend i tried some diet coke but i actually didn't like it... so i am going to try some squash soon for a bit of variation!!

i'm definitely the same, some days i am a lot braver than others and i just try to take advantage of those days - and some days like you i even question my 'safe' foods... though these are getting a lot less. i am about to move in with my partner, things have been hectic the past couple of months and i'm hoping the stability will help me to progress a lot quicker :smile:

good luck x

23-02-11, 00:10
Thanks! Glad to hear that you are doing better. I ate some bacon tonight- woohoo. Well a few little pieces. I guess I will know in 2 hours! I have increased what I can eat lately. Its still hard to go to restaurants though. I am only drinking water- I am such a chicken!