View Full Version : Diabetes anyone? Ive got to go on metformin and really anxious about it

31-01-11, 17:31
Hi there I went to see my GP today and I was told my HBa1c is 9% and they are not happy with that at all and I have to go on metformin. I am really worried is it a safe drug? Ive to take 1 a day first week then 2 the second week and then 3 a day after that.
Im really freaked out about it

31-01-11, 17:48
Hi Gordie this is a site i use regarding diabetes http://www.diabetes.co.uk/diabetes-forum/viewforum.php?f=25 very informative with diabetics just like this site is with mental health problems hope it helps.

31-01-11, 18:17
Hi my mum takes this and she reckons its keeping her going, my friend at work has it as well, my mum lost weight and exercises so does my friend so i think thats a good idea as well. Mum says it gives her the runs(sorry lol) but is a great believer in taking whatever she needs to keep going, unlike me who has to gird my loins to take my blood pressure meds. lol.
I think the loose stools is a well known side effect tho, but you know if its gonna make you live longer then take the gps advice.

hope your doing okay


31-01-11, 18:36
Most people get no side effects on metformin - occasionally it can cause short lived tummy upset in first few weeks but in a tiny proportion of the population ( my husband!) it can cause severe suicidal depression. It is a rare side effect but if you read the leaflet it does mention it and of course just our luck he got it - it was obvious within three days he said he felt so depressed he didn't want to live - our Gp asked him to persevere and see if the bad effect wore off and with my cooperation ( never leave him alone) we tried it for two weeks but it did not improve so he stopped it and found went onto another drug that has worked fine for past 5 years.

So 99% chance you will be fine with metformin but at least if you do become extremely depressed you will know why and you can decide what to do next but don';t let your Dr fob you off if you do with taking antidepressents as this is what they tend to do as its such a rare side efect.

Bet you are 100% fine but forewarned is forearmed.

31-01-11, 20:23
Gordie, my first medication after being diagnosed with diabetes was metformin. I had absolutely no side effects with it at all.

Over time, it was not as effective so last year my doctor changed me to JanuMet, which is a combination of metformin and the brand name drug Januvia. I've had no side effects with it either.

A friend of mine also takes metformin and recently had his dosage upped, since he was not getting the same level of benefit as he used to. But then he had also started to get off his diabetic diet plan, which only complicated matters. He is now trying the NutriSystem D plan to see if he can get his eating back under control and so far the combination of the extra dose and the structured diet plan is helping his numbers to remain in a safe range.

Keep in mind that metformin is not a miracle drug that allows you to eat whatever you want in whatever quantities you like. You will still need to adjust your lifestyle to accommodate a low carb approach to eating (and focus on complex carbs while minimizing your intake of simple carbs as much as possible!), learn how to properly assess portions, and engage in regular exercise.

As countrygirl mentioned, there are very tiny possibilities of experiencing some side effects the first several days you take metformin. My doctor went over those with me so I would know what to expect. Thankfully, none of them came to pass. There is a very good chance you won't have any side effects either, but should something seem out of kilter, don't hesitate to alert your doctor.