View Full Version : Anxiety, stress, panic and depression

31-01-11, 17:43
I've been under alot of pressure for a while now mainly with my two young boys who are hard to cope with especially their sleeping. I started a new job in October which is stressful as I'm the only person that works in and runs the office and acounts.

Also my mum hasn't been well for a while now and is getting worse. I'm struggling with going to college and cancelled my CBT appointment today because I just can't face being around people. I also have fibromyalgia and OCD which has got worse due to all the stress. All I want to do is catch up on my sleep and sit down and think about nothing until my head is sorted out.

I have this constant feeling off panic in my stomach. I've put on about a stone due to comfort eating. I look like crap. I can't speak to people because I keep slurring my words. My GP has put this down to tiredness and anxiety. I'm an absolute mess. I can't stop shaking.

I can't take antidepressants as I have had very bad reactions to them in the past due to the fibromyalgia so antidepressants are a big no no even though I know I need them. The reactions are so unbearable and have happened with every diffrent kind I've tried.

Can anyone give me any advice with what else would help? My GP doesn't suggest anything else. Surely there are other ways to treat all these things than tablets.

31-01-11, 18:33
There is such a thing called 'bibliotherapy', which basically means therapy on the basis of self-help books. I didn't initially take this seriously at all, as I always presumed help could only come from other people, but I gave the books a go and they totally turned my life around for the better. No, not just for the better - massively for the better!

I could recommend all the books by Dr.David Burns, one of the developers of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, some of which are being prescribed by more knowledgeable and progressive GP's these days, who won't solely and conveniently rely on just dishing out medication. The overwhelming majority of self-help books one can buy in the shops these days are based on Burns' insights and techniques.

Bibliotherapy requires a bit of input from yourself, in that you read the stuff and start doing the exercises and trying the techniques contained in those books. But once you've started, the improvements are coming quick and fast, at least that's how it was in my case. And although there will always be some setbacks, this is to be expected and part and parcel of the problem.
All in all I've found bibliotherapy more than worth it! It does have the added advantage that I one can do it in one's own time, whenever there is a moment, and one can do it at one's own pace as well. Given what you wrote about your circumstances above, it might be something well worth thinking about for yourself.

All the best! :)

31-01-11, 20:15
Thanks European :)

I will have a look online to see if I can get one.

31-01-11, 21:56
I have had drug, CBT and self help books inteventions to assist me with my GAD, health and panic disorders and must say some books are very helpful indeed. The books have been as equally effective as my one to one CBT in helping me control my thoughts and symptoms.

My top three would be:-

Mindfulness for Dummies
When Panic attacks - Aine Tubridy
CBT for Dummies

All three have proved very useful in my treatment.

Good luck!

06-02-11, 14:21
Read this post please. I underwent similar situation and am now cured.
Just follow these steps in post please. you Do not need any medication.
Just a little self therapy would be enough to cure.

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=85599&highlight=ANXIETY+PANIC+ATTACK+%2FGERD%2FACID+REFL UX%2FMUCUS+MEAL

Good luck.

06-02-11, 14:44
Hun - what an awful lot to be dealing with, I think you need to take a break. I felt panicky just reading your about your situation. I shouldn't think you have time to breath!!!

Can you take time off work or get the GP to sign you off. You need to stop and take stock.
Something in your life has to change or else you are going to have a real burn out.

Im saying this out of kindness, please don't think I am having a go at you. We weren't put on this earth to deal with so much in one go.

I have to say I am not sure what else to suggest here except your health and your children come first no matter what.

My heart goes out to you hun and we are here anytime to help you outxx

06-02-11, 15:00
Hi Kayi also recommend a fantastic book Panic Away. It is very powerful. Take care.