View Full Version : acid reflux

31-01-11, 18:22
hii guys
does anyone here have realy bad acid reflux .i have a feeling of a lump in my throat .

31-01-11, 19:00
I,m on meds for excess acid as my throat was sore for months (burning feeling) and the doc came up with "perhaps silent reflux) where you don,t feel it but its enough to burn the more sensitive throat . Not convinced myself as i think it is gastritis i have due to months on ibuprofen and stress , but the meds are sorting what ever it was out , the burning feeling in my stomach is all but gone , but i still have to take the meds .

31-01-11, 19:01
I also get the lump in the throat feeling

31-01-11, 19:22
Hey Melvin,

I went to the docs a couple of weeks ago because I suddenly have a really dry mouth, a horrible acid taste in my mouth, burping a lot and feel like something s stuck in my throat. I literally just took some tablets and felt like they were still in my throat even though I had half a glass of water with them! It was annoying me that much that I put my finger down my throat to where it felt like they were stuck and nothing - very bizarre.

Anyway, my doc said it was probably a touch of acid reflux as these are classic symptoms.

K xx

31-01-11, 19:49
how old are u peeps with acid reflux , i,m 45 .seems very common .

31-01-11, 20:03
I'm 36, this is the first time I've ever had it though. My IBS has been really bad lately, wonder if it could be connected?????

K x

31-01-11, 20:11
hi mel 2
im 48 mate i have other symptoms as well like a sick feeling in my chest lots of Flem and throat clearing and pains in the back. last yr i had a sore throat for months . went to ent . they did throat xrays cams up nose and down throat and i had a biopsy taken from throat . all i had was a sore throat none of these symptoms . they told me i had acid reflux and had burnt my voice box etc . they gave me tabs . been trying to get back in to ent for months but my docs been trying different tabs messing about . so now its got worse

31-01-11, 21:32
hi mel 2
im 48 mate i have other symptoms as well like a sick feeling in my chest lots of Flem and throat clearing and pains in the back. last yr i had a sore throat for months . went to ent . they did throat xrays cams up nose and down throat and i had a biopsy taken from throat . all i had was a sore throat none of these symptoms . they told me i had acid reflux and had burnt my voice box etc . they gave me tabs . been trying to get back in to ent for months but my docs been trying different tabs messing about . so now its got worse

Hi ,melvin

What tabs are you on ?

I take 1 x 30 mg of lansprazole in the morning and i also take ranitidine 150 mg 3 x a day .
I also get chest pain and the phelm and throat clearing . I also had the sore throat first and all my other syptyms kicked off after takeing the meds ?.
I,ve ate pizza tonight and its all kicked off again (the stomach burning) i,m so annoyed with myself .

01-02-11, 17:33
i think i might have a combination of acid reflux and post nasal drip
i get a lot of throat clearing, mucus, persistent cough that's been there for a year, breathlessness, tight chest, chest burning, sore throat... i think that's it.. im 23...

01-02-11, 17:35
hi guys
just to let you know i went to ent today queens med . i had a cam up my nose so they can look in to Ur throat .they said i had lpr ie laryngopharyngeal big word lol . silent reflux this has put my mind at rest .my meds aren't making much difference though so i have to see how i go and go see doc in a couple of months see how im doing prop go on different med .

01-02-11, 17:56
Thanks for the update , hope it sorts its self out . I know a number of people who have this and it can take 6 months to settle down apparantly , a bland diet really helps and raising the bed with one of those special pillows for reflux so it doesn,t happen as much at night.


04-02-11, 18:25
Hi ,melvin

What tabs are you on ?

I take 1 x 30 mg of lansprazole in the morning and i also take ranitidine 150 mg 3 x a day .
I also get chest pain and the phelm and throat clearing . I also had the sore throat first and all my other syptyms kicked off after takeing the meds ?.
I,ve ate pizza tonight and its all kicked off again (the stomach burning) i,m so annoyed with myself .

i find pizza kicks mine off badly aswell as chocolate which i love =( its always the things we want we cant have x

04-02-11, 18:27
Thanks for the update , hope it sorts its self out . I know a number of people who have this and it can take 6 months to settle down apparantly , a bland diet really helps and raising the bed with one of those special pillows for reflux so it doesn,t happen as much at night.


i have been told to go on a bland diet and no i really need to and also quit smoking =( as this is no good for acid but am starting my bland diet for now its only for a few months hopefully cant be that hard can it ?? but i no i need to get rid of this burning horrible pain in my belly xxxx

04-02-11, 18:37
hi allygiphopa
sounds like you have lpr silent reflux same as me hope ur on meds mate don't want to make it any worse

04-02-11, 18:51
hi allygiphopa
sounds like you have lpr silent reflux same as me hope ur on meds mate don't want to make it any worse
what meds are you on ? am sick of this sickly raw burning feeling in my stomach and lump in throat