View Full Version : brain tumor, constant morning headaches and etc

31-01-11, 20:27
I'm a 21 years old male, i have suffered from health anxiety but got over it for the past year or so.

There has been stuff happening to me for the past 3 weeks that it has made my anxiety much worse. This time around i'm pretty sure its not my mind playing games and im really suffering from something serious.

For the past 3 weeks i have had a headache upon waking up. Sometimes the headache disappears after couple of minutes, but sometimes its there for the whole day. Sometimes when the headache disappears in the morning it comes back at night again. When my headaches first started i had neck stiffness, the neck stiffness got better but i still feel tense around my neck area. There are 2 bones at the back of the head that im assuming everyone has, (behind the ears, above the neck). Those two bones hurt when i press my fingers against them.
I went to an eye doctor and got a full check up and took an optomap, Everything was normal except my eye muscles were weak. I had hard time focusing back on letters that were shown to me while getting checked. He said this could be due to other stuff and doesnt necessarily mean something serious and told me to come back for a more accurate vision field test on Friday. Obviously im thinking that it’s the worst case scenario and assuming that too might be due to brain tumor. I also get nausea and stomach pain sometimes and that i read could also be related to brain tumors.

I have done a CT scan from my head (non-contrasted) and a MRI from my neck 3 years ago due to similar problems. It wasn't exactly the same problem since my headaches were not as bad and werent worse in the morning. It was mostly my fear of derealization and depersonalization symptoms that forced my doctor to give me a CT scan.

My social life is just gown down the drain same with my school. I really dont know what might be happening. i tried changing my pillow, taking sinus rinse but nothing helps. a headache for 3-4 weeks, being worse in the morning, now thats something to be worried about.

Any ideas or similar experiences?

I gotta admit my sleeping and eating habit is not that great. I usually go to bed at 4-5 in the morning and sleep until 12-1. I usually eat my first meal at 5 and end up having my second meal around 11ish. My fiancé thinks thats the reason im having these symptoms but i just can connect the dots and assume a constant headache thats worse in the morning could be caused by these habits.

01-02-11, 04:16
one more thing

when im driving and i see a traffic light i see two sets of light, like if the traffic light is green i see another one right beside/above it. Its kind of like double vision with blurriness. Im scared this might be related to brain tumor since i haven't had this (to this extent) before and i was wondering if this could be a sign of brain tumor.I'm suffering headaches (mostly in the morning) and neck pain for the past 3 weeks but my ENT thinks its not a brain tumor and he thinks im just having anxiety and stress which is causing headaches and tense neck muscles.

i have astigmatism in both of my eyes and i did see a doctor which checked my eye two days ago, and told me everything is fine except my eye muscles being weak but the nerves were healthy on optomap. Could the sudden change be due to health anxiety im developing over brain tumor?

macc noodle
01-02-11, 07:40
First off, I am not a doc BUT I understand that opticians can sometimes detect brain tumours if you have an eye test and you were clear there.

Secondly, the neck pain and pain at the back of the head does actually sound like classic anxiety symptoms too.

The blurred/double vision too is a sign of anxiety and panic.

Surely if your ENT thinks is anxiety and stress then you must feel a bit of comfort from that? If he had any suspicions at all he would have referrred you to another specialist for another scan?

I know it is scary when you present with these problems and I am also all too aware of putting it down to being anxious but you have taken advice and had some tests so I would try really hard to accept what you are being told - take some over the counter painkillers for the headaches, make sure you look after your eyes and try to relax!!