View Full Version : Horribble feeling

30-03-06, 08:47
My stomach plays up alot of the time, very gassy and bloated feeling but this doesnt happen to me constantly. i drank soda and lime last night and im pretty sure its too gassy for my stomach im just worried as its so uncomfortable and then when i worry it makes it worse. could it be the anxiety or am i putting everything down to anxiety now?

Plus i have another ulcer in my mouth its soooooooo annoying x

30-03-06, 12:00
I get bouts of indigestion regularly, I am told it is down to anxiety and hyperventilation, sometimes with me it just comes out the blue and nowhere near a mealtime, I suddently have this hiccuping, burping fit, yeah lovely :D

Mouth ulcers are awful, I had a horrendous one a few weeks back. Do you put anything on it?


30-03-06, 18:24
Try bonjela on your mouth ulcer, it works a treat!!

31-03-06, 00:36
I nvever suffered heartburn until i suffered anxiety and i now take a tablet daily for it as gaviscon and rennies i couldnt get enough off. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".