View Full Version : Any Anal Fissure sufferers ?advice please

31-01-11, 21:14
Had one of these little nasties a few years ago and recall it took several weeks to heal, but back then I didnt have HA !

Early January this year another one developed and recognising the symptoms I used cream etc and after several days it eased. There was the usual razor blade pain and a little blood on tissue. Then it opened back up again a week later so I did the same treatment again and it eased.
This weekend I was really tensed up which affected me going to toilet as normal..the next day...fissure pain again but this time blood into toilet which upset me. Im assured by couple of people that this is common with fissures but could anyone reassure me further that its normal please..Bright blood and the sharp pain with the fissure .?

31-01-11, 22:33
I have experience of anal fissures. Seventeen years ago I had a deep anal fissure. I had a sphincterotomy and it gradually healed after that. I had a few minor pain and bleeding issues until recently when my GP diagnosed multiple fissures and piles. These days an op is less likely and creams that dilate the anus and the muscle surrounding the anus are used. The first cream which my GP prescribed I refused to use as the side effects were severe headaches. Using my husbands BUPA I have been seeing a colorectal surgeon. He initially prescribed dilteazem cream (anoheal) which is applied to the anal region for six weeks. This promotes good blood flow to the region and promotes healing. He also suggested I used fybogel regularily to prevent constipation and a barrier cream to stop the itching. I have finished the cream but I am still bleeding a little. Last time he examined me he said that the skin surrounding the anus was very thin hence the tendency to tear. I have problems with IBS so I use fybogel very sparingly. The itching has almost disappeared. The barrier cream has a tendency to stain (metonium nappy rash cream) so not a big hit with me. The good news is that the 'high internal pain ' has almost disappeared. That is the pain that is associated with the fissure. I'm confident that I have avoided surgery. Both the fissure and piles will bleed epecially if you strain when opening your bowels. I'm not sure whether the plies have shrunk as I'm still experiencing some bleeding. I still have to go back for a follow up appointment. There is another condition that causes intense pain in the bowel and pelvis. It is not life threatening. I can't remember the name for it? It is relieved by warmth or by placing something in the anus to relieve the pain. This releases the spasm. I have confused this pain with fissure pain. Sorry to be graphic and not meaning to offend. Go back to your GP. Let them examine you. I guess that you will be prescribed something like anoheal. Keep your bowels regular. If the fissure does not heal within six weeks then other methods such as botox (again to relax the muscles) or surgery might be suggested. Best wishes. EJ.

01-02-11, 03:39
Try ad use wet tissue paper after going to the bathroom, to help prevent irritation.

01-02-11, 12:08
Thanks Mishel

It was really painful today but not really much by way of bleeding.I have a total Doc phobia unfortunately. I have had the fissure before as I mentioned but didnt have HA then. This time I do and so its not as easy to cope with.
Ive used Haems cream and sudocrem was also suggested.

01-02-11, 15:19
Dear Zee I have never heard of 'haems cream' is it prescribed by a doctor. Sudocrem will do nothing for the fissure only the itching from the piles. You will need to go to the docs to get something for the fissure. I have tried glycerine suppositories and although initially soothing will not heal the fissure. Moist loo paper will only relieve the situation and not promote healing. EJ.

01-02-11, 15:45
The doc can give you a GTN cream (as EJ mentioned) for the fissure.I have one but never used it in the end. It is supposed to help them anyway.

01-02-11, 15:52
The GTN cream does have a lot of side effects including severe headaches. The cream which has helped me is diltiazem hydrochloride which did not give me headaches. If it does not heal the fissure within six weeks it is unlikely to work. EJ

01-02-11, 16:03
Did you try the GTN one in the end EJ?

01-02-11, 16:29
I did not try it. I'm not sure what happened to it. I'm still having problems and go back to the consultant on 18th FEb. EJ.

01-02-11, 16:50
Dear Zee I have never heard of 'haems cream' is it prescribed by a doctor. Sudocrem will do nothing for the fissure only the itching from the piles. You will need to go to the docs to get something for the fissure. I have tried glycerine suppositories and although initially soothing will not heal the fissure. Moist loo paper will only relieve the situation and not promote healing. EJ.

Hi Elizabeth. I meant Haemmoroid cream sorry. It was just a supermarket one.