View Full Version : did i say it aloud or didnt i?

31-01-11, 22:28
hi guys really struggling with ocd bad right now!

i keep thinking i say inappropriate things out aloud. Then i test myself by saying part of it aloud and the situation gets worse until i end up really worried and stressed.

can anyone relate to this at all its really wierd. I know i should not check but i cant help it.

anyone else have a similar obsession??

31-01-11, 23:34
Hi ocdindeed,

These thoughts are nothing more than your OCD talking!! At the moment you don't trust yourself. Therefore you feel you have to test yourself.

Please do not worry that your fear of saying inappropriate things is real. It's just yet another manifestation of how OCD works, you're mind has just hooked into this particular thing for some reason.

Trust yourself! You're not going crazy...if you were you certainly wouldn't be posting on this forum!

Scorpio x

22-07-11, 15:14
Yeah I have that, was much worse years ago and whne I get stressed and focus too much on something I start thinking that.