View Full Version : I am feeling really really strange!! PLS HELP!

01-02-11, 01:30
Can't remember how I felt before all this anxiety condition, so even when I am OK I doubt If I am, questioning myself should I be like this, did I feel like this before got anxiety and so on. My head is like empty, like I don't know if I can't think. I am like living my life without joy, motivation or desire, I am feeling like I am just alive and that's that, maybe I completely lost my mind and this is not anxiety... don't know what the f*** is wrong with me!!! Please help guys, could anxiety turn you mad? Can I go crazy or something? Feel like I am not me, don't know what to do... It's hard to remember things, it's like the day is passing by I am not even aware of it, not literally but I am losing track of time... There are many other things as well can't remember any of them now...

Any advice/help will be very much appreciated...

01-02-11, 01:47
Oh no your not crazy, its um depersonalization and derealiation.

Depersonalization, Derealization, Feeling of unreality

What you feel:

Now for the Brain , the limbic system in the brain instigates this whole response and is responsible too for our emotions and behaviour One of the body symptoms that people hate most is the one when you feel all foggy, surreal, woozy or spacey. You may either feel that you are not real or that the earth is not real and you're a time warp away. These are often the hardest symptoms to understand and its very common to deduce that you must be going mad which makes you panic even more. This is completely untrue and you are very safe.
You feel like you are not a part of what is going on, or that you feel like you are in a dream state or 'out of touch with things'. Also, things around you may seem like they are shimmering, foggy, hazy or too bright.
What causes this:

As we learned in Understanding, the body and mind are tightly integrated. What affects one affects the other. This symptom is another example of how an over stimulated nervous system can cause us to experience odd and impaired feelings, emotions and perceptions. Much like how a psychoactive or recreational drug can alter one's mental state, an over active nervous system can affect certain body chemistries thereby producing mind altering effects. The feeling of unreality or disassociation is one type of altered mental state that high levels of stress biology can produce.
It is not completely understood what goes here but it is generally thought that the limbic system in the brain decides there is too much going on and goes into a self protection mode and shuts out excess stimuli. As the adrenaline levels decrease and you calm down it clears. This can be several hours days or weeks.

01-02-11, 01:56
Also to add I sometimes do things I can't remember I did, for ex. I put my sell phone on my table and can't remember I did that... That's also scary... I have that feeling of unreality before and I think that's not it right now... Can't describe how I feel, really...

01-02-11, 03:27
oh its the depression and the anxiety, if you've been here long enough you'll notice lots of posts about feeling crazy and loss of memory.
its freaky though when you can't remember, its just your so consumed by the anxiety your not 100% focused on what your doing.

I've gotten the days of the week confused, my sense if time is awful too!

01-02-11, 03:29
are you on any medication??

01-02-11, 03:58
are you on any medication??

Nope, I actually visited psychiatrist only once about month ago, he gave me Xanax 12,5 mg, 3 times per day - 7 days a week (for only 1 week). I was fine back then ( one week before he gave me the drugs and even week or so after) got not so much intense anxiety, only just a couple of symptoms that were like feeling like I am gonna pass out or something, but now it's like why I am on earth, am I in real life and really really disturbing thoughts that are freaking me out, like living a hell... Anyway I am not on any medication now, haven't even visit psychiatrist since back than, I am trying to deal with this by myself but it seems like I will really need to go on therapy... The worst thing is when I am OK (normal) I doubt if I am which is making me feel like I am not if you know what I mean.

What is your advice? What should I do? My parents knew about me having anxiety but know they think I am fine and I am obviously not, feel like can't talk with them about this... They will got so worried and they got enough stuff to worry about...

Any advice/help will be appreciated from the bottom of my heart.


01-02-11, 04:13
Did he give any xanax for like the odd panic attack or two?

Oh I get that it freaks me out, like we are all made of energy, how do we know we are real, what is real anyways? we are on a planet and the planet is just floating about :(

oh i can relate to crazy thoughts some what, i find when i'm tired i think all sorts of weird things and going to bed is hard when i cant turn my brain off :(

CBT is good and group or talk therapy , I'm on a waiting list for more therapy after my anxiety has gotten bad again.

oh i know its like a bad cycle, either way you feel worried.
when your ok you wonder if the anxiety will come back :(

what age are you?
i will try and find some posts for you to read so you know other people feel the same way.
advice? therapy! self help books, having someone to talk to,learning about anxiety .

its ok i know your scared x it's dreadful to be feeling the way your feeling and its hard to actually find the right words to explain to others how your feeling x

01-02-11, 04:16

01-02-11, 15:45
He didn't say why he gave me Xanax but yeah I did have 2 or 3 panic attacks back then, the thing is I don't have many panic attacks and I don't feel anxious but yet again I doubt if I am OK, got some symptoms from time to time and it's like my mind is trapped and can't think.

Thanks Mishel I really appreciate it, it really is hard to explain to others how I feel, I am also slow like that guys says in the link you've sent me. I am 19 years old btw, will turn 20 in 2 months. Thanks for your help, how can I get over this stage? The thing that scares me is when I will be aware that I am totally fine because I got doubt every single second, it's not that worry that anxiety will come back, because actually I don't know If I am OK or not even when I think I am... It's silly but that's the way I think right now :(

P.S. Got a terrible nightmare today, I was dreaming like my friend have died and he's in hospital for like month now... I think the dream came from the thoughts I have about this during the day...

01-02-11, 15:59
[QUOTE=Baster9;789518]Can't remember how I felt before all this anxiety condition, so even when I am OK I doubt If I am, questioning myself should I be like this, did I feel like this before got anxiety and so on. My head is like empty, like I don't know if I can't think. I am like living my life without joy, motivation or desire, I am feeling like I am just alive and that's that, maybe I completely lost my mind and this is not anxiety... don't know what the f*** is wrong with me!!! Please help guys, could anxiety turn you mad? Can I go crazy or something? Feel like I am not me, don't know what to do... It's hard to remember things, it's like the day is passing by I am not even aware of it, not literally but I am losing track of time... There are many other things as well can't remember any of them now

Hi, I have felt just like that myself very badly now for 2 weeks, like I am in a dream and really detached from the world. When I relax or take a small amount of my benzo it passes. It really is just mental exhaustion from continuous thinking and anxiety - it is commonly known as depersonalisation or derealsiation, It is just another symptom of anxiety and definitely goes with calmness..by constantly thinking about it all you are doing is fuelling more fear and adrenaline and making it worse. I know it is simple to say and hard to do but trust me I have the same as you, relax, take some medication if you can or get out and do some sport, this helps significantly. Getting plenty of rest, eating well and drinking water too will all help you. There is nothing to fear, as soon as you relax it will pass. I am having CBT and my therapist who has 40 years of experience has said to me it is one of the most common symtoms if anxiety as is the feeling of going mad..you won't do that, your body will not allow it. I highly reommend you buy the Panic Away programme it is wonderful and really will help you.

Take care, you are safe, always remember that.

02-02-11, 02:16
[QUOTE=Baster9;789518]Can't remember how I felt before all this anxiety condition, so even when I am OK I doubt If I am, questioning myself should I be like this, did I feel like this before got anxiety and so on. My head is like empty, like I don't know if I can't think. I am like living my life without joy, motivation or desire, I am feeling like I am just alive and that's that, maybe I completely lost my mind and this is not anxiety... don't know what the f*** is wrong with me!!! Please help guys, could anxiety turn you mad? Can I go crazy or something? Feel like I am not me, don't know what to do... It's hard to remember things, it's like the day is passing by I am not even aware of it, not literally but I am losing track of time... There are many other things as well can't remember any of them now

Hi, I have felt just like that myself very badly now for 2 weeks, like I am in a dream and really detached from the world. When I relax or take a small amount of my benzo it passes. It really is just mental exhaustion from continuous thinking and anxiety - it is commonly known as depersonalisation or derealsiation, It is just another symptom of anxiety and definitely goes with calmness..by constantly thinking about it all you are doing is fuelling more fear and adrenaline and making it worse. I know it is simple to say and hard to do but trust me I have the same as you, relax, take some medication if you can or get out and do some sport, this helps significantly. Getting plenty of rest, eating well and drinking water too will all help you. There is nothing to fear, as soon as you relax it will pass. I am having CBT and my therapist who has 40 years of experience has said to me it is one of the most common symtoms if anxiety as is the feeling of going mad..you won't do that, your body will not allow it. I highly reommend you buy the Panic Away programme it is wonderful and really will help you.

Take care, you are safe, always remember that.

Yeah I have those ditched from reality symptoms or in a dream but this is not that, it's different, it's strange, it's like why I am on earth, am I on earth something like that... Can't even explain it...