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View Full Version : Inderal - Beta Blockers

19-03-04, 13:46
I have taken inderal for over a year now and it got me from attempting suicide the same day i started taking it. Obviously, it took about 20 days to start to work but i chose it as i suffer mainly from physical side effects from the anxiety. The mental side isnt so unbearable because i have suffered depression from the age of 11 and have always refused anti-depressants of any kind. Inderal especially worked for eventually relieving my heart palputations/rapid heart beat, extreme churning stomach and overall illness to cut a long story short. It isnt medically known to be addictive although i believe any form of medication is addictive if you convince yourself that you need it. It really has helped me and has continued to do so.

19-03-04, 14:07
Hello and welcome to the site

I hope that you find the help/advice/support, or whatever it is you are looking for.

Can I ask why you are anti anti-depressants? I have battled for years without taking any medication, and have just started over the last two months on a course of fluoxetine.

I've never been "against" medication, but just prefered to challenge my thoughts and actions, and over come my problems "naturally" (I have been doing CBT, started exercising, taking supplements, and watching my diet too).

I can't tell you how much better the fluoxetine has made me feel. I am not suggesting that it is suitable for everybody, and I know some people have tried it and it hasn't suited them. However, it has worked really well for me. I wish that I had tried it ages ago.

To me, drug therapy is just another tool to be used in the fight to get better. I would be careful about what I took - I was once prescribed diazepan, and didn't take any, as I am the sort of person who easily gets a dependancy on something. I agree with you though, about convincing yourself you need it. I had a friend who smoked cannabis regularly. He became addicted, not to the actual drug, but the the thought that he could only relax if he'd had a smoke. Therefore he panicked if he didn't have any gear!

I'm glad you've found something that works for you. I suffer in a very similar way, and like yourself, it is the digestive disturbances that cause me the most discomfort, not what is "happening" in my head.

Good luck and welcome to the forum


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

19-03-04, 15:30
The reason why im against anti depressants is my dad has had a serious dependancy on various forms of the drug for nearly 30 years. I still live at home with my parents and i can truely say that it has severly changed my dad over the years. I am not disallusioned to the point where i think that this will happen to me, because i know it wont, but i would like to think that i have learnt from one of the biggest mistakes my dad has made. Plus i see my problems as mainly physical and not mental. Although both sides need treating.
I have tried cannabis and it did nothing but bad, so i know what you mean about your friends situation.
I am really looking forward to starting the councelling sessions without Seroxat which i was offered as i feel talking to a professional will do more good than any drug at the present time.

19-03-04, 16:09
Hi Mike,

Betablockers are so great for ' taking away' the symptoms. I'm glad they've helped you so much.

Whats this about them taking 20 days to work , yet helped you on the first day. I've not heard of that sort of time delay.

Have you found a counsellor yourself or is it through your GP ? I hope that it is soon as you've been struggling for many years now.

How did this all affect your education and working life ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

19-03-04, 16:19
the fact that i was taking something that was eventually going to help me was just the psychological boost that i needed to get me kick started but i didnt feel the full effects until roughly the 20 days. When i first started taking them, i suffered a few unpleasant side effects but these eventually eased and i felt the effect after that 20 days-ish.
My GP found me the counselling group without me having to do anything. So all im waiting for now is the letter through the post with an appointment.
Overall, the anxiety caused me to lose my place at university and at the beginning i wasnt eating, sleeping or going out the house. I think i was house-bound for 4 months because i was too ill, not because i was too nervous. So basically i have had to rebuild my life all over again.

19-03-04, 16:26
..and you will step by step. A good attitude is such a help.

How did your mum cope with both you and your Dad being unwell. She must be so thrilled you're so much better now.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

19-03-04, 16:30
my mum is just happy i am not as ill as i was, but realises that it is still a long way to go. As for my dad, she has no time for him 'cause their relationship hasnt faired well at all over the years. The problem is that my dad doesnt help heimself and is always looking for the easy way out. ( i.e. the medication ) But i have always stood by the fact that the just cover the problem and dont solve it.

21-03-04, 03:11
Hi Razocaine, and welcome.

I was taking beta blockers for 3 years or so and I found that they really did help me with the physical problems, such as the palpitiations.
However, when my panic came back, the doctor would not let me have any as he said I was too "Wheezy", and said that my body may have developed a dislike to them.

I've also been on Sertaline on and off for 9 years.
I can honestly say in that time they have been wonderful everytime, and I've had no addiction problems at all.

I have to agree with you 100% that medication isn't a magic wand.
If you are deeply distressed by something, all the anti-depressants will do stop you from crying. They will not take away the cause of the distress.

As my panic attacks and depression have returned with a vengance, obviously I didn't face up to my problems fully or honestly enough the first time.
So all the Beta blockers and anti-depressants did was banish the sadness and stop my heart from trying to break out of my chest.

It's great that you are making a good recovery, I bet your mum is really pleased for you.

Keep up the good work!

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

21-03-04, 19:26
I know what u mean stimpy when it sometimes doesnt agree with your system. Inderal doesnt just get rid of the side effects and make everyday an illness free day, because it doesnt. Its different for everyone but i generally suffer from slight sickness, fatigue and memory loss. The memory loss isnt as bad as it sounds, its mainly because im not working my brain as much as person would at work. So i am forgetful.
If i am ill from the inderal, i go swimming or i play darts. I took up darts one day and found out i was good at it. Its one of the only things that i do that makes me forget about everything. And by the time i have finished, my illness has subsided, for me its as simple as it sounds.

22-03-04, 18:04
Brilliant Raz

You've learnt distraction gives you a break , so I hope this is what you're building on daily to get you going and on the upward trend.

Next you'll want to address the messages you're giving yourself each moment and swap them for comforting , uplifting ones !!


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

24-03-04, 12:05
I've been taking Inderal for about three weeks now, though was on propranolol for about 16 months before that. Dr only changed it because it was easier to take one tablet a day instead of three. I find it does help with the palpitations but I never used to get them too much though my heart would race at times. I'm not sure that I get much other benefit from them, though I know lots of other people who they have worked miracles for


24-03-04, 12:13
i just found that when i was very ill , they seemed to work alot more than when i had good days.