View Full Version : The ordinary angels face

01-02-11, 02:58
The sparkle of light within staring eyes that pierce to intoxicate the body and soul yet filled with profound sadness consumed with hurt and sorrow with nowhere to go. Lips smooth and soft, tender as velvet of pink rose petals moistened after a summer evenings rain shower. Silent and still with unspoken thoughts and words that if said would fill the motionless eyes with dewdrops that would fall lonely to the ground to evaporate in the burning desert to be ignored and forever forgotten. Her face filled with warmth that if touched would electrolyse with sensation from her fingertips across her body filling her with heat and wonder that only an ordinary human being could create within another. To behold beauty that even the owner cannot see within their own reflection in a mirrored glass lake. A swan, an angel, a princess that believes it to be a Cinderella. What finer creation can there be than the natural perfection held within an angel with an ordinary angels face?:hugs:

01-02-11, 11:17
Well done Bill.

02-02-11, 04:33
Thank you. I wasn't looking for praise though. My only hope was to help someone somewhere raise a smile because lately I've lost all mine and I just can't seem to find them again yet because every day just feels too tedious with only hassle to endure. Sorry. I don't like to offload my issues though because there is no answer to them and never will be. I just try not to think about it and instead prefer to try and help others smile but maybe I've been away too long. No, I'm not fishing. Just thinking outloud.:unsure:

02-02-11, 07:59
It made me smile :)

I'm a little pm box away if you need to offload Bill :hugs:

di xx

03-02-11, 03:55
If it made you smile Di then it was worth posting because that's all I wanted to achieve.:)

I guess alot of us must feel the same- feeling lost and alone with no one to comfort us who we feel truly understands. I often feel that there are so many practical ways to combat anxiety to enable us to cope such as breathing and relaxation techniques, and trying to ignore the lion that keeps trying to attack our insides but when it comes to feelings of intolerable loneliness and constant hurt, it seems so much more difficult to find an answer to take the pain away. Often I feel there are no words that can be said and absolutely nothing you can actually do for yourself because the cure lies in another and the things only they can offer such as a hug that says more than any words could ever say. Yes, we should learn to love ourselves but how can you give yourself the love and comfort that only another who understands us can provide?

I feel I have learnt to cope with everything that anxiety has thrown at me but the amount of hugs I've had over the past 20 years I can count on one hand. I guess that makes me sound I'm being sorry for myself and I can hear thoses "aaawwws" but to me it's just a simple fact and all I can see for the future is the same because of my self-inflicted trap. Wouldn't it be lovely to be able to go to a surgery and ask for a hug? That would work wonders compared to meds. I know not everyone is the same though but for me, it would be like a banquet to a starving man and the money would be better spent than on cold professional counsellors. I realise though it must be extremely difficult for others who are free or have happy relationships to understand though. I guess this is why I live in my dreams.

All in a dream

As I walk down cobbled streets,
Footsteps tapping a happy beat,
Church bells ringing in the cold night air,
Gradually fading without a care,

Stars flickering from east to west,
Forever alight with no rest,
Wisps of mist in the distant fields,
Gently wafting into fog to build,

An owl calls from we know not where,
As a fox slinks out from his hidden lair,
Mice scurry in the frosted fields below,
Whilst on a hill a stag bays for his faithful doe,

Between the trees, the first dawn rays begin to glow,
In the nests above, the rooks gather and begin to crow,
Water tumbles gently in the forests streams,
As I gather my memories from a tranquillity of dreams.

Hope that gives you another smile dear Di.:hugs:

03-02-11, 11:24
No, you've not been away too long, how could you be?

Even when you aren't here in the "physical" sense, your presence is felt by your posts..you are a special contributor to NMP.

:hugs: Have one of these, not for the "aww" factor because I also know only too well what it's like to be "trapped" sometimes, although by a different situation.

Nothing we can say can make things any different but although it's not the love and physical touch that you crave, you have the affection of many people here.

I hope that's worth something :)

03-02-11, 11:40
Hello Bill, I had a good howl this morning cos i'm on my own today,Now I have had another. What beautiful poetry and verse.Keep it together.You are a lovely man X

jo h
03-02-11, 11:47
That made me smile too xx

03-02-11, 12:04
Hello Bill, I had a good howl this morning cos i'm on my own today,Now I have had another. What beautiful poetry and verse.Keep it together.You are a lovely man X

Bill really has got a gift hasn't he Helen?

I'm sorry you're feeling low today..I'm feeling the strain a bit this morning too. Have a huggle :hugs:

03-02-11, 14:12
Hi Angie, Yes, he is a gifted man. I did you a pnmp, but I don't think I did it right,but never mind. I am feeling a bit low today.awaiting results of my daughters mri scan.Am anxious as the nurse said to us last time we were at the hosp quote --"we are getting to the end of th line"and I cannot get it out of my head what she said--- and I know its true.
Take care of yourself. Sorry to be a bit dismal today. Hope u are ok

blue moon
03-02-11, 21:41
Your words always put smile on my face Bill.You are very special person.
Love Petra xx:hugs:

04-02-11, 03:06
Thank you for all the compliments which I don't deserve but like I said in the beginning to Horse, my only wish was to help others smile and I'm sorry Nellie if it upset you. I've looked at your other posts and when I read about your daughter it puts things into perspective. I was so sorry and also to hear that you've been in the wars yourself. I've been trying to think what I could offer and I came across this poem I wrote. I know I've posted it more than once before but I hope you don't mind me posting again for you in the hope it will give you a smile:hugs:...

A Special Rose

In my rose garden of rare and special blooms,
I would plant you and circulate your scent throughout my rooms,
I would never idolise you but forever admire you,
For your empathy, attractiveness and golden hue,

Every petal of your being representing all your many wonders,
Shining brilliantly in the sunlight emanating a prism of beautiful colours,
Enhancing the numerous blooms with your special beauty,
Exuding your love and kindness with unadulterated simplicity,

An exquisite creation of so many yet so few,
Sprinkled in the morning with sincere droplets of dew,
Pristine and perfect protected by angel honeybees,
Exuberantly shielding, her happiness fills them with glee,

One angelic rose bringing warmth to this garden,
A joy to tend, held with fondness and appreciation,
Illuminating all those who approach her,
Treating all not merely as a number,

Distributing glowing compassion through all her glossy leaves,
Her scent of sensitivity wafting on the warm summer breeze,
Softly swaying, her petals gently flutter,
She radiates her kind-heartedness loving all as sisters and brothers.:hugs:

blue moon
04-02-11, 03:14
Bill....That poem is beautiful:hugs:
Love Petra xx

04-02-11, 15:51
Hi Bill, I just found your post and poem THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. I am going to print it off and frame it.It has touched me beyond words.
What a lovely caring man you are. Take Care X

04-02-11, 15:57
great post bill made me smile your an angel

05-02-11, 01:47
To help someone smile, especially one who is sad, low or suffering is to see the sun shine when darkness and rain surrounds them. When they smile, I smile too and then I feel happier inside both for them and me. I'm just sorry I can't do more but I'm glad I've at least given you a smile.:hugs: