View Full Version : dentist appointment today!!!!

01-02-11, 09:10
hello all its been a while scince i posted on here, there are a lot of new people ive noticed and none of the old friends ive known on here welcome anyway to the new sufferes,, Well i have an appointment at 1 oclock today at the dentist for a filling and ive been awake half the night fretting about it im so scared, itsnot the work im affraid of just the needle in my gum. i know this soundspathetic but im a right baby and cant stop thinking about what ifs !!!!! dont even know why im writting this post just looking for a bit of reassurance i think, anyway hope the injection doesnt interfere with my meds im on 10 mg ciprelex for panic disorder.... oh god wish i didnt have to go but i made the appointment went for a check up to face my fears and now i dont want to go .tity lar lar.. im going to go tho... some 1 make me feel better please lol

take care lisa x

01-02-11, 09:24
Nothing bad will happen to you Lisa :hugs: What "what ifs" are you having? The jag will be over in seconds and you won't come to any harm. As for your meds, there won't be any probs with that either. If your dentist isn't already aware you take Cipralex, then tell them - but this is just a routine thing.

You're being really brave in being determined to go and good luck, hope it all goes well x

01-02-11, 09:46
im off to the dentist too today (1130)
i am having a cap fitted, i went last week for all the drilling etc.
i just wanted to say i used to be terrified of the dentist up all night feeling sick shakes etc...this went on for years and i let my teeth get really bad.
anyway what i wanted to say was ... and i may waffle a bit ok but ...
i used to wear something comfortable didnt care how scruffy i looked, and make sure it is layers so if you are hot you can take someting off.
i would get there about ten mins early so i could get used to the surroundings, if i needed to walk around the waiting room do it !
i try not to think about what they are gong to do and take each bit as it happens, also tell them you suffer with anxiety. i think thats the hardest thing ive ever had to do but they werent shocked and didnt make a big fuss. they must see hundreds of sufferers.
you WILL be ok i promise you that.
try to think of something thats special to you especially whilst the injection goes in. it is a small scratch it wont hurt you and wont affect your meds ok.
i wont lie to you i am not over it and am not looking forward to today but i am not the quivering wreck i was.
the injection gives me the shakes once the work is done and im out of there but it doesnt last a hot sweet drink will help.
see told you i would waffle ... good luck and let us know how you get on.

01-02-11, 11:45
Hi Lisa, You will be fine. This may sound daft but i prefer going to my dentist than going to the hairdressers,all that pulling about with the brushes etc,thats why my hair is neglected.Good LuckXX

04-02-11, 19:49
hi all thankyou for your replies ,well i went my best friend came with me and she held my hand when the needle went in thank god the dentist let her in lol. anyway it took an hour to do my filling as it was broken and i had to have it rebuilt. i did very well although i had the shakes he said i did good, ive got to go back next wednesday for a gum sheild fitting as i grind them really bad and through the day scince ive been on my meds my jaw painfully clenches on its own so ive got to wear a sheild at night time in bed lol ... anyway i came out the dentist grinning like a cheshire cat as i did i was well proud i didnt freak out...... thankyou every 1 for your kind words .

take care lisa xxxxx and thankyou x