View Full Version : 4 weeks in.....

01-02-11, 09:59
Well ive been on Cit 10mg now for 4 weeks im back at the doctors today for an update.

I still dont feel good at all my anxiety is still really bad and i feel my depersonalisation/derealisation is as bad as ever!

i guess the positives since ive been on the med is that i have started eating again. i lost nearly 10kgs in 6 weeks from start of December to start of Jan as i couldnt eat at all! i was on cit back in 2008 and i seem to remember at least feeling a bit better by this point but maybe i didnt:wacko:?

Anyway i will update when ive been doctors, see if he thinks i should increase my dose?

01-02-11, 10:44
It can take 6-8 weeks before the full effects take place but 10mg is a low dose, so wouldn't be surprised if the doc puts you up. Keep us posted. xx

03-02-11, 19:47
I started on 10mg but only for a week. Doc said it was to get me used to them and so I wouldn't experience many side effects (which I totally did!) I've now been upped to 20mg which apparently is the normal doseage and I'm starting to feel a little more like myself again (lets hope it lasts!) So no don't be suprised if the doc ups your meds, you'll be fine :-D

03-02-11, 20:25
I started on 20 mg. The doc might tell you to wait until the full effect , which is about 6-8 weeks. Good luck. X

07-02-11, 15:09
Thanks for your replies guys, the doctor said i should have them for another month and then if i still feel the way i do then he will up my dose.

07-02-11, 21:16
When I was on 10mg, I had really bad depersonalization/derealization.