View Full Version : would you no if you had ab fib?

01-02-11, 11:38

have worried about this alot since having panic attacks. I have had only three really bad ones in three years. when i get them my heart rate beats out of control for about an hour my bp goes to about 168/109 pulse 180 all three panic attacks have been the same lasting about an hour. have had ecgs, echo, calcium score which was 0 stress treadmill test my heart was perfectly fine. My doctor seemed suprised that it lasted that long but when i asked him if i should go to the hospital he said no take your diazapan. do you think what i am experincing is ab fib and i have been wrongly diagnosed. i get the eptopics and flutters and the palpations that last a few seconds some days and none at all other times.

I know if you look back on my posts im always posting about heart things it really scares me my dad died only two years ago of a heart attack one minute he was there the next minute gone it was just sooooo sad!!!!!
Im frightened the same thing will happen to me.


thanks lorraine

01-02-11, 12:09



01-02-11, 12:22
sorry not sure what ab fib is??? Are you referring to atrial fibrillation where you heart beats irregulary as in it will flutter fast then go very slow???

Or extreme tachycardia where your heartrate goes dangerously fast because of faulty pathway in your heart???

After all your tests it would be very unlikely that it was anything harmful and could just be sheer anxiety - when anxious like in a medical setting my heartrate increases to 140bpm and will stay there until I am out of that setting.

27-03-11, 17:02
CountryGirl: I can't figure out how you don't know what A-Fib is, but you go on like a medical professional with the rest of your medical terminology...just strikes me as odd...

I'm a Professional Nurse of 17 years, also suffering from resent panic attacks, and transient A-Fib...

To the writer, I know what your going threw it's VERY frightening! I too had neg stress echo, and dopamine, xrays, the works...

I am having even more frequent attacks and it's freaking me out...I take Xanax 1 mg, every morning upon rising, and if needed again if I feel an attack coming on...lately I don't get that warning, it's just FULL on panic!

I wonder if you've had a sleep study, I had one and was diagnosed with SEVERE sleep apnea, and hypopnea, use a C-Pap and feel better most days, but the hypoxia (lack of oxygen) feeling can trigger my attacks buzzing and tingling in extremities makes me think CLOT! I've thrown a clot...sometimes Nurses know too much..lol

I wouldn't just let this rest, I would continue to seek answers, from Physicians...it can be life threatening...

Good luck to ya,

10-05-11, 23:07
Ed - I think your reply to countrygirl was derogatory and unnecessary. She is trying to help. If you had read her post properly, you would have noted that she said she had never heard of 'ab-fib', not 'a-fib'. She then asks if lorraine is actually referring to atrial fibrillation.

Try reading posts thoroughly before you go posting sarcastic replies to people who are trying to help.

19-05-11, 00:07
Hi, have had it I knew. Felt like a bag of worms in chest and could feel the change in rythym from fast to fast irregular. Some people don't feel it, often elderly people, but if your not elderly I'm sure you'd be aware of the irregularity. It's more than just a fast rate, it's completely irregular.